I just don\’t feel like writing about a book today. And I liked this meme I saw on Superfast Reader a few weeks ago. So I\’ll answer it now, even though I\’m rather late. (You can trace the meme all the way back to Becky\’s Book Reviews, where it began).
How do you plan on celebrating Library Lovers month?
Well, I missed it. I didn\’t even know there was a library lover\’s month until I read about it on the blogs! Although I read every day; isn\’t that a celebration of sorts? And I\’m a very faithful patron of my local library.
How often do you accidentally spell library as ‘libary’ when you’re in a hurry?
I don\’t know, but I\’m sure it has happened. My toddler\’s pronunciation of the word is pretty close to that.
What is the most amount of books you’ve ever had checked out at one time?
Recently within memory? Thirty-eight; but it wasn\’t all for my reading pleasure. A dozen of the stack were for my toddler, another twenty for my husband\’s project fixing up the house. Books checked out just for me? I\’d say the largest pile was around fifteen. When I was a kid I used to bring home more at once, I probably hit the twenties or thirties then regularly. Once I visited a public library and asked what the checkout limit was; the woman at the desk said fifty! I said how could anyone carry fifty books out of the library? She said with a shopping cart. I wondered if that every really happened.
What is the longest you’ve ever gone without visiting the library?
A month or two. When I was in college I visited the library very seldom; being busy with schoolwork and most of my reading was for classes. And after my daughter was born I didn\’t go for a month, but my husband brought home reading material for me. There have also been times when my piles of second-hand books at home have stacked up so I didn\’t have a need to go to the library for a while. But I don\’t think it\’s ever been more than three months, max. Usually I go once a week, or at least twice a month.
What is the biggest fine you’ve ever had?
Five dollars. For a book I thought was lost but found before I had to pay for the copy.
When you go to the library, do you plan ahead and make a list? Or do you browse?
It depends. I used to browse a lot, but with a three-year-old who just wants to dig in the puzzle bin it\’s hard to meander through the stacks quietly. My TBR has grown too big to ignore, too. Now I usually look stuff up at home and bring a list. But I still manage to pick a few strangers off the shelves that catch my eye while collecting what I\’ve come for!
Have you ever been shushed by a librarian?
Never. Not even when my kid gets too noisy, though I\’ve received my share of stern looks (on her behalf). They are quite effective.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to a library book?
Lost it. I left one in a rental car once. And my husband\’s accidentally left one on the commuter train. (Luckily, someone found and returned it!) My daughter has torn a few pages. (We had to quit reading pop-up books for a while). I am guilty of occasionally dog-earing a page, though I always unfold them before returning! I\’m somewhat concerned about dropping one in the bath, but so far that hasn\’t happened (though I did drop a cordless phone, once. It dried out okay). A board across the tub to rest your hand on is helpful, and also not reading thick hardbound books there (like the latest Harry Potter).
Have you ever had a “favorite” librarian?
Yes. The children\’s librarian at the Burien Public Library where I grew up. My mother took us to so many library activities. We participated in reading challenges, summer reading programs, all kinds of things. She used to have a desk in the children\’s section, always decorated and with cool stuff on it (like a huge jar full of gumballs. Guess how many gumballs, and you win the jar. I think my sister won it once. That sort of thing). She has the most wonderful, expressive voice and was always helpful, talked to the kids very friendly. We got lots of book recommendations from her.
If you could change one thing about your library it would be…
No charges for loans! My public library charges fees for requesting a book from another branch in the system, or for checking out videos. I don\’t like it at all.