Participate in my first giveaway and Win a Free Book: The Artist, by Norman Garbo. Not pristine, but a very decent hardback. If you\’d like to have a copy, I\’ll be happy to send it to you! Just leave a comment on this post and you\’ll be entered. I\’ll use random.org to pick the winner on sunday 3/30/08.
9 Responses
Oooh! I\’d like to win! Sounds like you didn\’t appreciate it much, but you know me. I\’ll read anything.
I think the parts that interested you about the painting would be fascinating and maybe the rest would be good too. Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I\’ll add my name to the hat (although I just realized you might not want to ship this hardback internationally). Either way, I\’ll add it to my list!
Lovely to have you stop by my blog. Not sure how you found it, but you\’re welcome anytime :-)Have a lovely day! š
I am also international (Canada) but I would like to enter as well. I could always use a new book to read.
Hello! I read your take on the book and from what you say, I think I would agree with you. It sounds like something I haven\’t read before and that interests me! Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks,Cindijchoppes[at]hotmail[dot]com
I live in India. I got here from Eva\’s blog! Count mein please!gautami.tripathy[at]gmail.com
Congratulations! The winner is Verbivore. This contest is closed now.
I missed this giveaway. I have you on Google Reader so I shouldn\’t have missed it, but maybe I am now watching too many blogs. š Oh, well.