Lezlie from Books n’ Border Collies so kindly nominated me for the Brillante Weblog award yesterday! I was so surprised and pleased. I’ve been thinking all day who to pass the award on to:
books i done read- This blog is absolutely hilarious! If you’ve never been there, go now. I guarantee you’ll be laughing in minutes. It’s one of the few blogs where I actually read every single post, even if it’s about a book of a genre I strongly avoid- her blunt, frank, to-the-point reviews are just like what I always think about books, but never have the gall to write.
Book Puddle– On days he’s not reviewing a book (or film), Cipriano shares quotes from a wide range of bookish material. I always enjoy reading the quote of the day- usually accompanied by a photo or illustration as well. Refreshingly different. He also shares his own poetry, and it’s quite good!
Chain-Reading- I like this blog because the reviews are short and sweet. Sometimes so short they’re posted as “four-word” reviews. When I’m tired and have over a hundred entries piled up in google reader, I always read the ones that keep things in a nutshell. Chain-Reading also uses vacillating font sizes, which makes things jump out at me. I like that. Oh, and there used to be some beautiful music there, too.
Maw Books- An awesome blog. I was already enjoying the thoughtful reviews and then she went and set up this staggering database of book blogs. Maw Books has my outspoken admiration for that. When I want to know what someone else thinks of a book I just finished, I head over and check out who’s on her list. It’s a great way to find new blogs, as well!
Things Mean a Lot- I always look forward to visiting this blog. Nymeth reviews a lot of fantasy books that really appeal to me- she’s probably responsible for adding to my TBR pile more than most! And her blog is so pretty. I love the Rackham fairies.
Both Eyes Book Blog– I just recently discovered this blog. So far I’ve been enjoying every post. They\’re not too wordy, but always very thoughtful. And I have to say, I love the story behind the name of this blog!
Hooser’s Blook– Lauren and Dana were among the first book bloggers to welcome me and comment when I first began book blogging. They’ve always got something interesting to say about books I’ve never heard of (more for the TBR!).
My book blogging friends, you are all so wonderful! I could have named (literally) dozens of other blogs. If you’ve been nominated here and want to pass the Brilliante along, here’s the “rules”: Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Nominate at least seven other blogs. Add links to those blogs on your blog. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.
Thanks again to Lezlie!
6 Responses
Wow, thanks so much Jeane!! You definitely deserve the nomination yourself! 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And so much congrats on your award as well! Oh, my shiny shiny ego.
Thank you so much for picking me, Jeane 🙂 And I\’m in such great company too. And congrats on the award! You more than deserve it.
Thank you Jeane! I\’ve been so busy that I have been ignoring my blog a bit lately. I\’m glad you like the short reviews, because there may be a lot more on the way since I\’m so behind!
You\’re most welcome! Here\’s to looking forward to much more reading of everyone\’s fun blogs!Lezlie
Thanks Jeane! I have to admit that I haven\’t updated the database for about two months now. I\’m going to sit down one of these weekends and concentrate on it. Glad you use it!