Win a Free Book! This week\’s giveaway is a gently used paperback copy of Ken Follet\’s suspense thriller, The Key to Rebecca. What Amazon says about it:
\”His code name: \”The Sphinx.\” His mission: to send Rommel\’s advancing army the secrets that would unlock the doors to Cairo…and the ultimate Nazi triumph in the war. And in all of Cairo, only two people could stop this brilliant and ruthless Nazi master agent. One was a down-on-his-luck English officer no one would listen to. The other was a young Jewish girl…\”
If you would like to win this book, just leave a comment before tuesday 7/15 and tell me what you like best about this author. Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post, and you\’ll get entered twice! Sorry, due to postal cost (my husband rolled his eyes at the stack I hauled to the post office last week: three books I gave away, plus four that went out to Paperback Swap requests!) this contest is only open to residents in the US or Canada.
11 Responses
I would love to be entered, although I don\’t have anything to say about the author yet. I have Pillars of the Earth, but as much as I want to read it, I haven\’t yet.
This book sounds great! Believe it or not, I have never read a Ken Follett book!
This is the first time I have heard of the author! Would love to read!
I\’ve got a copy of this on my good shelves, so don\’t add me. I love Follett. Bits of The Key to Rebecca have stuck with me, although I probably read it at least 15 years ago. Maybe more than I want to admit to. I recall the book was full of action and suspense. 🙂
I hope I\’m not too late–still trying to play catch up with blogging! I\’ve only read Pillars of the Earth, but I loved the wide array of characters and how Follett made each one so real and detailed (well, the setting as well so that I felt I was right there in the midst of the action). So, I\’d love to be entered this time. 🙂
Truth be told, I\’ve never read any of Ken Follet\’s books. However, I am interested in this book and would like the chance to finally get to his book. Please enter me in the contest. Thank you. =)Carmen
I love Ken Follett. Pillars of the Earth is one of my Top 5 favorite books ever. What I love about this very talented author: In Pillars and World without End, his character development is phenomenal. Eye of the Needle was one of the best thrillers I\’ve ever read. It\’s a WWII spy novel and a complete page turner!I blogged about your contest here:!
I love that he writes an exceptional thriller every time.He knows what he\’s good at, that\’s for sure. Once I read Eye of the Needle, I was hooked. Thanks for the giveaway!doot65[at]comcast[dot]net
Congrats go to Laura!
I know I\’m too late for the contest, but I saw your post and just had to stop by and tell you that if you like Ken Follett\’s spy stuff, you should check out Ellis Goodman when you get a chance. I\’ve just finished his new novel, Bear Any Burden and it\’s a great mix of family saga and espionage, spanning almost a century of European history in a seriously fast paced story. I have to say it\’s one of the best I\’ve read this year and compares well to both Follett and Le Carre.
I\’ve also read \”Bear Any Burden\” by Ellis Goodman and found it to be captivating and rich in detail that literally takes you into the story itself, moving smoothly back and forth between the eras. I would recommend this read to anyone that is interested in the mystery/espionage genre.