by Ruth Stiles Gannett
This book isn\’t nearly as charming as My Father\’s Dragon, the first in its small series. Elmer and the Dragon picks up the story immediately where the last book left off, with Elmer and the rescued baby dragon flying away from Wild Island. The dragon is trying to take Elmer home, but they get delayed by a storm and end up on an island populated solely by canaries. The canaries are suffering from \”a terrible disease of curiosity,\” so Elmer and the dragon stay to help them out, get rewarded nicely, and then head on home. Cute, but the whole curiosity thing was rather lame. Even my daughter was not very into it this time. She didn\’t mind if we skipped reading it for a few days, and after looking at the pictures so often, told me she\’d already \”read the last chapter\” and didn\’t even want me to finish the book! Too eager to move on to \”the blue dragon book\”. Each copy of the trio has a different colored spine: red, yellow and blue for the last one, The Dragons of Blueland.
Rating: 2/5 87 pages, 1950