I was totally surprised this morning to find that Books on the Brain gave me the very cool “You Don’t Say?” award featuring a panda! Here’s what Sheri, who created the award, says about it:
We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award is to those people whose comments have meant THE WORLD to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment. I wanted to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to each and every one of you who has left a comment for me on A Novel Menagerie. Also, I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special bloggers in hopes that they will pass the award along to 5-10 of their best commentors!
Thank you, Lisa, for this! I always try to leave meaningful remarks, and love it when others comment on my blog. The little bookish conversations we have are what makes blogging so much fun, and so rewarding. I’m passing this award on to:
Bybee of Naked Without Books!
Anonymous Child of Biblibio
Wendy of Caribousmom
Leslie of Books n’ Border Collies
Trish of Trish’s Reading Nook
and Black Sheep Books
and Bermudaonion’s Weblog
15 Responses
Congratulations and thank you, Jeane!!Lezlie
You definitely deserve this award, Jeane 🙂 And thank you for passing it on to me!!
Congratulations! You are so sweet to think of me – I really do appreciate it.
Congrats Jeane!! You certainly are a great commenter 🙂
Also congrats and thanks! I love to comment, even if I don\’t write much. I also really appreciate other\’s comments. It\’s great to hear what others have to say.
I\’m so glad you like it! You deserve it. You always have something to say!
Fantastic award Jeane! And very well deserved 🙂 You are a fantastic commenter!
Congrats Jeane–you do a great job of leaving meaningful comments and it is appreciated. 🙂 Thank you so much for passing this one on to me as well.
Thanks for the award, Jeane, but I can't take full credit. Your reading & reviews are so interesting that I can't help but comment!
And here\’s another one – please blog for an award for you.
Sorry should read \”Please check my blog for an award for you.\”
Hey congrats! You are a great commenter. And another award on your shelf as well. Seems like this week\’s been raining awards on you 🙂
I\’m glad that I have found your blog through Lisa!Congrats.Sheri
I\’m certainly honored by the mention. I comment because you\’ve said something interesting – that merits no recognition. I\’m afraid I don\’t really participate in these types of awards so I won\’t be posting this or passing it along. Still, please know that I am aware of this and that your kindness is much appreciated.
Thank you\’s and You\’re Welcome\’s to everyone!! BooksPlease- really, you shouldn\’t have! If you could see my face, it is blushing.