The name was drawn this morning. The winner of this booklet of bookmarks is Mari of MariReads. Congrats, Mari! Send your postal address to jeanenevarez AT gmail DOT com and I\’ll mail them off to you!
On other news, I feel I\’ve really neglected this blog lately. What with the kitten, new garden, and other things, I\’ve been rather busy and disorganized. I\’m trying to get back to more reading and blogging, which I really enjoy, but probably at a slower pace. So for a while I might just be posting as I finish books (and I\’m only halfway through Ice Bound, which is excellent!) and not doing very many memes or other extra kind of posts… Please don\’t feel neglected if I fail to comment as often on your blog, or respond personally to remarks left on mine. I\’m still here, and will be back to full blogging strength when things at home lighten up!
3 Responses
Congratulations Mari!
Congrats to Mari! And don\’t worry about being around less, Jeane…we all understand!
Hope things calm down a little bit. I think a lot of us are kind of going through this right now–trying to balance blogging with regular life. And enjoy the kitty–how fun!