From Booking Through Thursday:
There are certain types of books that I more or less assume all readers read. (Novels, for example.) But then there are books that only YOU read. Instructional manuals for fly-fishing. How-to books for spinning yarn. How to cook the perfect souffle. Rebuilding car engines in three easy steps. Dog training for dummies. Rewiring your house without electrocuting yourself. Tips on how to build a NASCAR course in your backyard. Stuff like that.What niche books do YOU read?
I think books about making compost tops the list. Vegetable gardening books, natural history, animal training/behavior and novels from an animal\’s viewpoint are more favorites of mine that don\’t seem that common with other readers. What about you?
15 Responses
How fun! You're quite the animal lover. I haven't tried vegetable gardening…I started flower gardening last year. Less pressure to perform! LOL!
Making compost???? Ha! That's awesome! Of all the BTTs I've read this morning yours is the coolest one! Happy BTT! I played too!
My mom is gonna love you. She likes to read anything to do with gardening. Including composting. She makes it!Booking through niche
Thanks for visiting my blog! I wish my garden was big enough to warrant books on gardening! One day!
Novels from an animal's viewpoint must be interesting. Here are mine: (1) and (2)
Composting! lol My ex-husband was so into that and would get mad if I forgot to put the trash in the compost bin! I like your gardening book idea. That interests me as well.
I forgot about gardening books but I have quite a few of those too.
I wish I had room for a veggie garden. At least my friend has one that I can steal from. 🙂
Wow, books about compost… very cool. I love animal books too. I need to read some gardening books so my garden will do a little better. 🙂
The fact that you read so many natural history and animal books is one of the reasons why I love your blog!
I'm with Nymeth, your natural/animal books are one reason I love your blog, too. I might have to steal this meme, though,for myself!!!
making compost books? hmmm…I have a feeling I would love gardening too if I had a garden 🙂
Animal behavior books is definitely something I need to get. My dog doesn't listen to me AT ALL. 😉
This might sound kind of weird, but I think of you as a somewhat specialized reader and I think that's really neat. I don't read a lot of niche books, but I do have Quilting for Dummy's that I glance at occasionally (mostly use the web if I need quick information).
I didn't realize so many people appreciated my animal books! Actually, I sometimes feel like I'm a little weird for being so obsessed with them…. a specialized reader? wow. I've been reading so many non-fiction books lately, though, I really feel the need for some fiction relief soon…