by Patricia Briggs
I have been dragging and dragging my way through this book for the past several days, and just not getting anywhere. It might be the author\’s writing style, or perhaps werewolf books just aren\’t my thing (this is the first one I\’ve tried). The premise was interesting- a female mechanic whose ancestors were Native American shamans has the ability to shape-shift into a coyote. She gets mixed up in a power struggle between two different werewolf packs. She\’s not as powerful as them, but can sense magic, identify people by their smell, see in the dark, etc. In her world (kind of like McKinley\’s Sunshine) magical beings live alongside but hidden from normal people- so there are vampires, witches and other fae on the fringes of the story. I liked reading the details about how their society worked, the social dynamics like a wolf pack, the \”new\” werewolves struggling against their animal instinct. But I wanted to read more about what it felt like to be in the animal form, I wasn\’t connecting to any of the characters, and the constant telling of backstory throughout the plot slowed it down for me. I made it about halfway through- 126 pages.
I grabbed Moon Called at a discard sale, because of a review at You Can Never Have Too Many Books that made me want to read it. I\’ve seen it on many other blogs; see a few links below.
Abandoned 288 pages, 2006
More opinions at:
Read Warbler
The Narrative Casuality
Blogging for a Good Book
Danielle\’s Book Thoughts