I feel like I haven’t been doing much reading or posting here, lately. Instead I’ve been getting things reading for the coming baby, and trying to plant some of my garden (much less ambitious there than usual). But I have been managing to follow along with all your reading adventures in my google reader, even if I don’t comment as much as I used to… and thus also adding to my TBR pile! Several of these books I’ve seen about time and time again, but the reviews linked to here are the ones that finally convinced me I want to read it too.
Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder
The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee – books i done read
Made From Scratch by Jenna Woginrich from You’ve GOTTA Read This!
Robert Frost: Farmer-Poultryman edited by Edward Lathem- Garden Rant
Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen from BermudaOnion’s Weblog
The Woefield Poultry Collective by Susan Juby- The Literary Word
One Bird’s Choice by Ian Reid- Reading Through Life
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith from The Zen Leaf
Let the Right One In by John A. Lindqvist from You’ve GOTTA Read This!
Wither by Lauren DeStefano- Bookfoolery and Babble
Welfare Brat by Mary Childers- Shannon’s Book Bag
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn- Ready When You Are, CB
Merry Hall by Beverley Nichols- A Work in Progress
Down the Garden Path by Beverley Nichols- A Work in Progress
I notice that I’ve been adding to my lists even more books about gardening and self-sufficiency. I’ve really been wishing more and more that I could keep chickens or bees in my backyard. Think of it! Fresh eggs, bug control and wonderful fertilizer, all from a handful of hens. Wouldn’t that be great? O well. I think my next subject of focus is probably going to be books about backyard chickens, or any of these farming/gardening books in general.
9 Responses
You've managed to add a lot of great looking books to your TBR pile. I hope you love Riding Lessons if/when you get the chance to read it.
I second the recommendation for I Capture the Castle, enjoyed that one quite a bit…. but *jumps up and down* Mountains Beyond Mountains is FANTASTIC. Paul Farmer = my hero and this book is absolutely incredible. I do hope you get a chance to pick it up!!
Quite the list!
I'd so love to have bees 🙂 I get happy everytime I see one in the garden…I'm planting more flowers this year to attract them so that they'll hopefully do some pollinating for me! And you HAVE to read Let The Right One In!! It's so good!
I'd love to have chickens! But my parents have refused since I'm not there most of the year to take care of them. As for the books, I have a couple of those on my list…a list that is now almost 1,000 books long.
Made from Scratch caught my eye too. Let's hope we both get to have chickens at some point in our lives 🙂
I own Let The Right ONe in, and have seen the Swedish version of the movie (very good)….I have to read it still, and I've heard very good things too about it. I read I Capture the Castle a few years ago and really enjoyed it.And now you've brought Beverly Nichols to my attention! You have some wonderful books here others have convinced you to try, Jeane. When is the baby due? Congratulations, too, by the way 🙂
I agree on the recommendation for Ella Minnow Pea. That's one of my favorite books and one I always talk up to people. I wouldn't mind some reviews on gardening books & tips. I'm forever killing whatever plants I attempt to grow.
Bermudaonion- I'm looking forward to it!Amy- Ooh, you're really getting me excited about Mountains Beyond Mountains. I wasn't thinking of reading it for a while yet, but perhaps I'll have to get to it sooner!Chris- I'd love to have bees, too. We always seem to have plenty in the garden, but I wouldn't mind more. Unfortunately, my husband is terrified of stinging insects and hotly argues against it every time I bring it up. He's also kinda against me putting up a bat house, except the bats will get rid of mosquitoes, which he hates worse. So I'm slowly winning him over on that one!Christina- Sadly, my city zoning doesn't allow backyard chickens. Even if it's only hens. Blah.Farmlane Books- Maybe I never will at this house, but hopefully someday… so I'm going to read up on it all I can and learn in the meantime!Susan- I never heard of Beverly Nichols until I saw her discussed on Danielle's blog. And then the more books I looked up by her the more of them I wanted to read! Looks like they've been in print a long time. My baby's due on May 10th- thanks!Nari- it sounds like such a fun book. Never fear, probably lots of gardening reviews will come up soon! I'm afraid I won't get much gardening done this year with a new baby but I'll probably make up for it by reading more about gardening. You can always visit my garden blog for a few tips- there's a link in my sidebar.