Hello, hello. I’ve kind of been lurking about, snatching some computer time at the library but now we have a laptop temporarily on loan from my husband’s work, so I can finally catch up on some reviews! In the meantime, with less hours spent online at home (you wouldn’t believe- or maybe you would- how often I’m popping on to look things up I’m curious about, or find recipes for dinner or such) I’ve been getting lots of reading done! Cutting quite a big dent in both my TBR shelf at home and the list of stuff I’m borrowing from the library. I’ve almost got an entire shelf cleared off my TBR bookcase! That feels nice. So I’m going to cram in quite a few short reviews here, to catch up on things. New computer parts are in the mail, and then my husband will rearrange its innards (cross my fingers) so hopefully we’ll be up and running again as normal sometime next week…
2 Responses
Good luck with the computer!
So that's the trick to reading away your TBR pile…lose the computer :p Good to hear from you Jeane and I hope you get your computer back soon!!