by Rosemary Wells
Cute little rhyming book about the baby bunny Max trying on his big sister\’s clothes. They don\’t fit, of course, and he puts things on in the wrong places- mittens on his ears, hat on his foot, etc- so when he tries to go play he just trips and falls down. The funny thing is that I know I\’ve seen this same theme before in a different Max and Ruby book. I\’m more familiar with Max\’s New Suit. Not sure why the author made another version of basically the same story (and I thought the text in the original one simpler). This is the first time I\’ve come across the \”baby Max and Ruby\” books, which is the familiar bunnies just in toddler form. We were quite fond of Max and his antics when little kids. I remember my mom reading these to me.
rating: 2/5 …….. 12 pages, 2009
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