I\’ve been away; just updated my blog with the books read on plane flights and in occasional quiet moments during the trip. Had an unexpected stop in an airport bookstore, stopover in Johannesburg. I don\’t usually expect much of interest in airport bookstores, but when I hesitated outside my boyfriend pointed out a copy of The Elephant Whisperer on the display table. There was an entire section on nature inside; it didn\’t take long for a stack to pile up in my arms. I only brought home two: Where Do Camels Belong? by Ken Thompson and Nest: The Art of Birds by Janine Burke. But I stole a few moments in front of the shelf to scribble down on the back of a receipt all the others I wanted to read, so I can perhaps find them later (at the library, hopefully).
Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History by Bill LawsThe Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence AnthonyThe Last Rhinos by Lawrence AnthonyWhatever You Do, Don\’t Run by Peter Allison
The Lion and the Lamb by Mike Hardwich
The Rhino and the Rat by Mike Hardwich
A Hippo Love Story by Karen Paolillo
Bush Vet by Clay Wilson
Back to the Bush by James Hendry
2 Responses
I'm delighted you got the camel one. I love camels, can't wait to see what you think of the book. 🙂
I'm reading that one right now. Actually, it's not much about camels! but an examination on the issues of introduced, invasive species and their control. Very interesting. I'll be writing about it soon.