for the Dare again. Read the details here. I\’m glad it\’s being held one more time! I always enjoy participating. I\’ve slowly been working towards a goal of getting through enough TBR shelves in my home that unread material will fit in one bookcase. I\’d like to shuffle a hundred not-to-be-kept books out the door (total unread pile is still near two hundred). So this will help me get closer to the goal.
I don\’t know why I always mistakenly think that vacation means more reading time, it usually doesn\’t. My own kids were gone for more than a week over thanksgiving, but my time was spent at my boyfriend\’s house with folks visiting, cooking and cleaning, good conversations, raking leaves off the yard, throwing leaves onto children (my boyfriend\’s son and niece), raking them up again, working on some creative projects for christmas gifts, working on the computer and so on. I had checked out a pile of tempting books from the library in anticipation of extra reading time, but then realized the Dare was upcoming. I kept the three I was in the middle of, two more that are actually on my TBR list, and returned the rest.
So let\’s see how many more volumes I can pile onto that out-the-door heap, or fall in love with and reshelve with my keepers.
4 Responses
Have fun!
I don't dare take that TBR challenge, but it would definitely be good for me! I know exactly what you mean about vacations. I always do the same thing, and then end up getting very little reading done.
I've seen you participate in the Dare over the past few years and this year I decided to take the plunge as well. Hopefully, we will both be able to clean off our shelves.
Ahhhh, I always feel I should do this dare, but I never do it. Maybe when I have my new bookshelves, I can have a proper shelf properly dedicated to books I have not yet read, and then that will make me read them all.