the Evolution of a Lonely Art
by D.H. Clarke
Singlehanders are men (or women, though far less common) who sail boats all by themselves across an ocean or around the world. It\’s an amazing feat, whether done in desperation for survival due to some accident or stranding, or deliberate attempts. Lots and lots of men have done this- either sponsored into exploring, racing against each other, testing how far they could go or to what was out there, or just to prove to themselves/others that it could be done. To set records. The author here was really into this stuff and did singlehander journeys himself, and here he set down a record of all the people who\’ve made attempts that aren\’t famous- all the unsung heroes. There\’s plenty of them. So their tales are short. It\’s heavy on names, and who-is-from-where and where-they-went-and-why and short on the details I like, the descriptions of the experience itself. I just can\’t keep focus on this book. Maybe it\’s me. I started skimming a lot and the bits I did read where well-explained and interesting but I don\’t think I\’ll go back to it. It\’s only mildly interseting if, like me, you\’ve never actually been sailing.
Abandoned 206 pages, 1975
2 Responses
I read this book, in high school in 1976 or 1977. I disagree with Clarke on many things that are contentious from what I recall. He seemed to have a holier than thou mindset. Never the less, I have a fond memory for that time and reading this and similar books by authors such as Tistan Jones and others in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. This book fits well into that genre of literature of the time. I am not a sailor, I was a soldier for many years and had my adventures in real life there… I know about sailing from family friends and have spent som limited time on their sailing craft, back in the day. Never the less, I have read some good maritime adventures and If you are keen on the subject, this book will worth your time. I highly recommend the book; The Misty Islands: Sailing the High Latitudes in Tzu Hang Paperback – January 1, 1978 by Miles Smeetan (Author). I also read this book back in the late 1970’s and I enjoyed it more than the Clarke book.
Thank you for commenting! I do like reading books with sailing, and appreciate the recommendation. I don’t remember any parts of this book being contentious, but then I skipped a lot of it so probably that is why.