by Thornton W. Burgess
Following Mother West Wind, these are more \”why\” stories that describe animal traits in a fanciful manner. The bear hibernates as punishment for being a mean-spirited glutton, the rabbit has long ears so others will know he\’s an eavesdropper and a gossip and so on. I think my favorite was the one about why the toad swallows his old coat -it was a little closer to actual nature. Through most of these stories Grandfather Frog is the one who holds knowledge, he will share his stories with eager listeners if given a little respect and a gift of fat green flies to eat. The wind and breezes are personified, and there were a few forest characters I didn\’t quite recognize (I think this is one of Burgess\’ earlier works). I haven\’t read any Burgess in a while, and this doesn\’t quite live up to what I remember enjoying. But it was still nice and of course an easy distraction to dip in and out of.
Rating: 3/5 156 pages, 1911