Narration by Linda Woolverton, Mose Richards and Kristin Grove
Adapted by Donnali Fifield
Another book of striking photographs and brief paragraphs. I haven\’t seen the film this is based on, but it doesn\’t matter, it was a nice read by itself. It follows the lives of two predators in the Arctic- polar bear and walrus- from birth to independence. Shows a bit of family life, learning skills, social interactions, hunting attempts and so on. Mostly pictures, and the majority of those are good quality. There\’s images of other animals that live in the same region too, as their lives cross paths- arctic foxes, harp seals, caribou and various seabirds. Theme is on the struggle for survival- especially in the face of warming oceans which shrink the sea ice these animals depend on- the walrus as a secure resting spot, the polar bear as it gives access to food sources. I especially enjoyed reading the final chapter, where the filmmakers and photographers described how much work it took for this production, what they learned from it, their impressions and experiences of the arctic. Now I ought to get the DVD and watch it with my kids.
Borrowed from the public library.
Rating: 3/5 160 pages, 2007
2 Responses
If the cover's any indication, I would love this.
I'm not sure why the cover looks like an illustration? when all the images inside are photographs. Yes, it's very sweet but also shows some serious side to nature- survival and not everyone makes it unfortunately.