A peek at one of my TBR shelves, although the focus when I took the photo was a plant (this was on my garden blog).
Some time ago I rearranged all my TBR shelves (there\’s twelve now, with three additional stacks on the floor). Mostly by subject- so if I was in the mood for fiction, fantasy, a memoir or natural history, it would be easy to find something. But I also shelved all the books I\’ve heard about from other bloggers, and those already on my written TBR from other sources, together. Figured it would give me some motivation to read ones I can cross off an actual list. This selection comprises four shelves out of the twelve. Sadly, I keep looking at them but have not felt like picking any up yet. Still working my way through stacks of Audubon and Defenders of Wildlife. Tried to read more of Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell last night, made it through only three pages.
9 Responses
I never thought of arranging my books by genre but it makes so much sense.
Only the unread shelves! All my bookcases of \”keepers\” are alphabetical by author- although split into two sections, fiction and non-.
I've read Crow Lake, I thought it was very good. I must look to see what else she has written. Richard Dawkins is always very interesting.
I don't think I've ever seen such a large number of TBR books so well organized. Mine are pretty much all over the place, although I do keep a written list. The trick is to find one off the list when I finally decide its turn to be read has finally come.
Looks like a Richard Dawkins book in there!
Cath- I've been looking forward to those two. Thus they're on the top shelf. Might have seen Crow Lake on your blog and thus been inspired to pick it up? (I found my copy at a library sale).Sam- I like to organize things. It helps me feel calm. Clutter starts to irritate after a while . . . I correct myself, though. My non-fiction shelves are also sorted roughly by subject, but within those groups by author last name.Elizabeth- yes, it's The Ancestor's Tale! Recommended to me by and subsequently borrowed from my brother-in-law. Thankfully he is a patient person about getting his belongings returned; I've had this one and several W. Somerset Maugham of his for many many months now.
I arrange my shelves by genre as well. At least the trade and hardcovers. The mass market are kept separate and are just alphabetical by authors last name. I used to keep my TBR books separated out as well, but now they are all mixed in with the books I've read. I read so much more by e-reader these days, my physical books have been neglected.
I miss physical books! I love my Kindle, but there's nothing like being able to run your fingers across spines, see the shelves from across the room, smell them…But alas, until we can make print text larger with our fingers, I'll stick to my Kindle. I'm maybe reading a little more? Still no where close to what I used to read, but I might get through my current book one day…
My clever idea for quarantine, which I have not yet implemented, was to do a little pretend library trip to my TBR shelf and pick out a few books for my \”library checkouts\” and try to read them in three weeks. I cannot speak to the efficacy of this plan because I have honestly been scrambling to get to all my ARCs and review them in a timely manner, but it is on my agenda.