Animorphs #51
The only part I liked about this one was the ducks. The Animorphs are suspicious of a train that seems to be bringing military force into the state capitol (I think- hard to remember since I had a gap between reading the beginning and end of this book)- so they go to scout it out but have to evade the enemy who now also have morphing power and come after them as birds of prey. They manage to acquire ducks, which have much greater stamina for long-distance flying (and can travel inconspicuously in groups) and bolt for the Governor\’s mansion, determined to let someone high-up know about the aliens and finally get support. As cockroaches they cling underneath a limo that\’s taking the Governor to a function, and then morph back to human in front of the Governor and her spouse once they are in a private room. The Governor is a woman, which takes a lot of them by surprise. Not surprising, some of the people around them are Controllers- including one of the Governor\’s guards- so after the shock of showing themselves and quickly explaining to the Governor, there\’s a hectic crazy battle that turns into an insane car chase for the rest of the book- them trying to keep this new ally in leadership position, out of the aliens\’ hands. Includes a yacht of partygoers getting blown up and a bridge collapsing. I kind of blanked out for most of it. A lot did not make sense, or just plain bored me, sigh. Probably didn\’t help that I felt fatigued and had a headache while reading, blah.
7 Responses
Yeah, this one was one of the worst in the series. Such a waste, when so few books are left!Good thoughts to your ereader.
I skipped ahead in my podcast I'm listening to, because I wanted to hear them rant about this book. Bogglingly, all four hosts LOVED it. Ugh! They liked that it was light, fluffy adventure. While I like listening to their breakdown of each book, I find I really don't agree on their opinions when it comes to overall liking/disliking each book.
Is it the Animology one? I really enjoy listening to that because they point out so many things that I don't notice when I'm reading. And yeah, I was surprised that so many of the hosts really liked this one! I guess they thought it was fun to still have silly stuff happening so near the end when things are getting tense- but to me it just seemed a ridiculous mess.
Yeah, Animology. I'm going to find a different one to listen to next, but for now I can barely keep up with one. (I'm not even really keeping up, I skip a range of books sometimes.)What I really want to do is reread the series and listen to the episode each time, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.I'm with you, it was a ridiculous mess, and that made it no fun at all to me.
That's what I've been doing. Read one, then listen to the podcast (while I puzzle). When I finish the series I want to go back and listen to all the podcasts I missed from the beginning, but I don't think I'll re-read those. Probably just glance at my own review to remind myself what it was…
I meant Animorphology, but I assume you did too!
Oops yeah! My brain filled in the middle letters right without me noticing it.