This one was was a bit harder than it looks- not much piece shape variation and it has more four-knob pieces than I’ve ever seen in a puzzle before! The pieces are definitely individual- none can mismatch by accident- but the variations are so subtle it was hard to do so visually. It’s really dense with details, lots of lovely textures and fall colors, and the surface has a nice quality feel. I only wish I’d had the 1,000-piece version, as I finished this one in just five days. There are nine animals in the background and around the dog (some more hidden than others)- owl, deer, squirrel, raccoon, weasel, mouse, rabbit, woodpecker and fox. I like the rabbit- it reminds me of Albrecht Durer’s young hare.
I think of this one as my first quarantine puzzle. By far not the first one I’ve put together since covid time began, but it’s the first one I got brave enough to go purchase secondhand off someone’s porch (and then leave sit untouched for half a week). Very glad no missing pieces (that has happened to me way too often with thrift store puzzles, so I don’t buy them anymore).
2 Responses
It's a lovely puzzle! My dad was really into puzzles and mounted many of his which my mom still has hung in the house. As she starts to prepare for downsizing she counted 80 mounted puzzles that are hanging on her walls. I need to get one of those game tables with ha removable top so that we can do puzzles without the cats interfering.
Wow, eighty, that's a lot! I can never bring myself to glue them together- if I enjoyed them, I want to do them again someday (which I am, now at last). A regular puzzle table with drawers to sort the pieces would be cool.