It was my birthday a few weeks ago. My mother said “get something fun” so I did- I bought some new puzzles. My kind of fun:
Then I got happy with puzzles, and started looking for more at thrift stores and online local listings. So I found these- less than $5 each- and I hope they’re complete!
Then I received a few gift cards- to a local indie bookstore and Powell’s, resulting in:
Also while I was at one of those thrift stores, picked up some books as well, including this complete Anne of Green Gables set. I would have been content enough to read them from the library, but having them take up space on my shelf might prompt me to do so sooner. (The box for the set got damaged- it was stuck to the books- but I salvaged the front image).
Very happy! Thank you all!
7 Responses
Wow…love the post-birthday shopping choices you made. You’re going to be set for a while with all those new puzzles. Thrift stores are just the best…
Yes! I just pulled them all out and stacked on the bed to choose the next one- eleven new-to-me puzzles and three older ones in the closet I haven’t worked in so long they’ll feel new- plus one I think I never completed yet. A good start to the coming winter months. Putting the garden to bed, and opening the puzzle boxes.
Aw yay and happy belated birthday! I wish you joy of all your books and puzzles but especially The War That Saved My Life, which I looooove.
Probably why that one grabbed my eye at the bookstore!
Wonderful jigsaws! I love the one with the old door on it. Great book haul too.
I really like the plants in that picture. But it’s an older puzzle which probably means: smaller pieces, and blur from it being a photograph. Will be a challenge!
Happy birthday!
Great finds, I just started thrifting as well. The other day at one I saw a puzzle of animals and though of you.