This puzzle kinda annoyed me. I admit the patterns in the background were fun. And it was nice that there were absolutely no false fits. But the pieces went together so loosely, they fell apart at the slightest nudge. No way to move sections, except a piece at a time and reassemble. Glad I didn’t have to do that often. Other annoyance: this one irritated my skin. Still haven’t figured out why some puzzles do that. And it’s missing two pieces (not really surprised: this was a freebie thrown in with a swap). The weird thing is that I can’t pinpoint the manufacturer. The box has logos from Cardinal (of Spinmaster Games), Hasboro, Big Ben and MB on it. Is this like what happens with books that are co-authored: quality goes downhill? Fine print informs me that Hasboro owns the other companies, but really- which one actually manufactured it? Made in China, too (which I suspect is the reason for my skin irritation). Well, it filled some time but this is one I’ll be passing on to another puzzler.
The best part of it was the quick, easy disassembly! No pieces left stuck together at all.
Finished size 19.5 x 27″.