You’d think a puzzle about books and nature would be lovely (and it’s from one of my favorite companies), but somehow I wasn’t thrilled with this one. I think because the colors are subtle and close to each other, so it was hard to distinguish between some things. I did like the little details- there’s a pair of foxes on one cover, many different kinds of birds, fish and plants. It’s fun how the images spill out of the borders, but I found it kind of odd (visually) how there’s text in the back of each one, as if you’re peeking into the actual book. I get the concept, I just felt like it made the pictures feel cluttered. I couldn’t help trying to read the tiny page glimpses (they appear to be random text samples from older gardening books). Didn’t realize until I went to post today, how bad the final photo is of the puzzle- took it at the end of day when lighting was poor.
Finished size 19 x 26.5″.