Another puzzle I “inherited” from my kid cleaning out his room. I wasn’t surprised to find it’s missing five pieces- and for the first time ever, I sectioned it when done and saved in twelve assembled chunks put back in the box, in case a few of those pieces show up again (there’s more cleaning to do, so it just might happen). This is one of those puzzles where the picture kind of makes me roll my eyes- not only is it comprised of just four individual fish, photoshopped around to make it look like a bunch of different ones- but also these are cichlid fish. They’re not the kind that would swim in a school, and if they did, they’d probably all be facing the same direction. So the picture makes me laugh, though it didn’t annoy me as much as the multipled cats. In this case the differences were executed well enough it actually made it easier to put the picture together, and I enjoyed it even with the minor disappoinment of some missing pieces.
Final size 25 x 18.5″.