Small puzzle with a big castle! My third completion of the second ten-in-a-box set. Not much to say- buildings are really not my thing. Same quality as the others, with just enough variety in the single piece shape to make it an okay puzzle and not a poor one. I’m not sure which part was more tricky- the trees in the foreground or the atmospherically faded hillside in the background! Both those sections took a little longer than I expected. Done and ready to move on.
Final size about 18 x 12″.
2 Responses
I haven’t been to this castle but feel like I have because I think I’ve done three puzzles of it now. Two of them were winter scenes and really tricky but beautiful when they were done.
I’ve seen so many puzzles of this castle- but they’re usually much larger, in the range of 1,000 or 2,000 pieces!