Eh, I don’t know why, but this one didn’t quite work for me. Unlike all the prior Phoebe and Her Unicorn books, this one has an actual plot. A storm rolls into town, knocking out the power and affecting the unicorn’s magic. Together they investigate, along with Phoebe’s “frenemy” Dakota. The find the cause of the storm- another magical beast who is draining the town’s electricity- and have to enlist help from Max who can chat up science stuff with the dragon to get its sympathy. There’s a bunch of elements I feel I’d usually appreciate- Phoebe and Dakota having to figure out how to work together, Max’s very nerdy interests being appreciated, the unicorn dealing with everyone suddenly noticing her in town (her magic shield doesn’t work), even how the misunderstanding between the dragon and the goblins came about, and emotional reasons behind the dragon’s over-consumption of electricity. But it all fell kind of flat for this reader. The jokes weren’t very funny. Some of the dialog felt awkward, and the resolution in the end a bit too easily reached. I read it one sitting, and feel like all I got out of it was an explanation of why Phoebe, Dakota and Max are now a team, and how Max comes to have a magical animal companion too. I didn’t feel encouraged to continue in the series after this, but I read a few pages into the next volume just to see, and it was better. So I’ll at least read volume seven, too. I think something about the storyline aspect just didn’t suit me for this one. Kids I’m sure, will feel differently (it’s written for them, after all).