of blogging gone by. Seventeen years today!
One of my favorite african violets bloomed for the occasion.
Does your room (or one corner of it) look like this? (And there’s a full bookshelf behind that, too! Then you’re in good company with me. Happy reading!
All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it
6 Responses
Congratulations! Yours is one of the oldest – and one of the most prolific – blogs I read regularly. I don’t know of any 20-year-old book blogs yet, but a lot of us seem to be approaching that milestone. Hang in there…
Thanks, Sam! I hope to keep going for a good long while yet.
17 years, wow! And lovely african violet! My mother grows them, but I never saw one with petals shaped like that before. I really like it!
And stripes! It’s called ‘Vintage Lace’.
I have books but not so much they sit on the floor, I wish I do. 17 years – that’s a lot of blogging. Congrats!
Have a lovely day
I wish I didn’t (just kidding!) But really, I am trying to read more so at least all my books fits on the shelves again. I am pretty slow at reading nowadays, so progress will take a while there.