I noticed some people on other review sites complained about how small these twisted metal puzzles are. But I actually like that about them. Easy to carry around in your pocket and work at when you’re waiting for something- for your food to arrive at the restaurant, for your kid to get done practicing opening their new school locker, for your husband to come back from a bathroom break in the middle of home movie night. (Although some people are annoyed by the small random clinking noise). I also liked that I could do puzzles in the bath! No worries about dropping something in the water, or struggle if the light is low (as when I have a book with me). I solved several of these while having a nice hot soak after a skate session.
Second set of eight metal puzzles. This package has six easy ones, which I solved all in one sitting, most on the first try. I just saw immediately what to do. I liked best the bottom one, that looks a bit like hearts. It took more thought than the rest. The one just above it is like a tavern puzzle my parents have- except theirs I think has a nailhead on the short straight end. I remembered very clearly how to solve that one.
These last two were quite a bit trickier. Especially the top one (and I’m sorry the pictures are a bit blurry). I got the hooked loop off the center bar onto the end loop easy enough, but then could not figure out what twist or position would remove it from the end. This is another one I carried around in my pocket for several days, until I finally got it. And I keep going back periodically to do it again, just so I don’t forget. Brain practice. It wasn’t until I took that one apart, that I realized the two pieces are the same shape reversed!
If you want another hint, the bottom one with two rings on a looped bar, has the same middle step as the first puzzle in the second photo group on the last post.