This one looked a bit out of place in the boxed set, as it has brighter colors and more- defined edges. A little more flat, more “cartoony” in style, though I wouldn’t really say it’s cartoony. Hard to describe. I actually enjoyed most of it, although putting together the dolphins in the blue water was tricky- that sitting took me longer. My husband walked by the puzzle table at that point and said “oh, there’s just all that blue water left now” and I replied “no, there’s dolphins in there- and they’re so hard!” But done at last. It’s like the others, thin flimsy pieces, very plain ribbon cut, no shape variety. One piece missing in the end.
Some details on the fishes:
There were a lot of “freebies” with this one, and I took them all (as seen in the first progress shot with the border complete). Finished size 22 x 15″.