Artist: Christine Chitnis
Made by: Galison
Count: 1,000 pieces
Final size: 27 x 20″
Piece Type/Variety: Straight ribbon cut, average
Piece quality: Decent
Skin irritation: Yes, required gloves
I don’t know why I thought this puzzle would be easy. It wasn’t. My assumption was that sorting by color would come together quick; but the lighter shades on oranges, for example, matched almost exactly the darker shade on certain yellows, and it was like that all across the picture. So then I tried putting together all the transition lines, but even that was tricky. Did the stems, went back to edges between pumpkins, and then at the final sitting when it was just filling in centers, finally got easier and a bit fun. Mostly I was just glad to be done! This one feels like light cardstock layers (white backing), quite shiny, and caused significant finger pain. Found that if my fingernails are long enough, I could manage to pick up and manipulate pieces without actually getting whatever it is off the surface onto my skin, but that is a bit awkward, takes more concentration and eventually causes finger cramps. It was a toss up, whether I prefer to try using just fingernails or bother putting glove tips on.