Photographer: Troy Litten
Maker and Year: Galison, 2015
Count: 500 pieces
Final size: 20 x 20″
Piece Type/Variety: Ribbon cut, one shape
Piece quality: Average
Skin irritation: Yes
This was a fun puzzle. I don’t think I’ve done a 500-piece Galison before; the pieces were bigger than in the 1,000. No surprise there. All the pieces two knobs, two indents- but quite a bit of variety within that, so not too hard to do. Lots of colors and details going on in the picture, so that’s what you look for to match up, instead of shape. It was actually rather easy, completed in one day. I did most of the lettering from the backgrounds first, then assembled the cars more or less by color. Most of them are Volkswagon beetles (cute!) but there are some other types of small cars, too. They all seem to be (from what I read on the signage) in Latin American countries- the photo collage is from the artist’s travels. The details are engaging. You can figure out what the restaurants and shops are, what things are prohibited (several cars parked with a No Estacionarse sign right there haha). If you look closely, there’s four cars with flat tires, and one graffiti skull. Sorry, I didn’t take any detail pics.
This one did give me some finger pain, but not bad. I was able to ignore it, or rub my fingers on clothings. Only had to get up to wash my hands twice, between sittings (several throughout the day. It had a poster included that barely deserves the name, being small enough to fit in the box without folding, which means the picture was smaller than the image on the packaging! So that was useless.