Photographer: unknown
Maker and Year: Puzzlebug, 2021
Count: 500 pieces
Final size: 18.25 x 11″
Piece Type/Variety: Ribbon cut, one shape
Piece quality: Poor
Skin irritation: None
This is the last of my small puzzles that fit on the lap board, at least of single boxes. There’s quite a few others in my multi-pack sets that I might get out next. Since they were all small, I kept the recent puzzle assemblies together for a group photo, that’s just fun sometimes:
Same as the others, this one had thin pieces, quite a few of them already bent even though it was in new condition, still sealed in the bag! Didn’t lie quite flat when all put together. It was a tricky one. The horse was challenging though fun, the busy, guady background quite a bit harder.
The horse does look terrified, though. Why does it look terrified. If you look close, the eye has a very anxious expression, and the gaping mouth looks fearful. At least that’s how I read its expression. Like it’s screaming. Beautiful and decked out in flowers, but screaming.