Artist: unknown
Maker and Year: Penelope Puzzle, circa 1950/1960
Count: 750 pieces
Final size: 19.5 x 16″
Piece Type/Variety: Random cut, very high variety
Piece quality: Very good
Skin irritation: None
Last of the wooden puzzles I bought used. A really rich experience, doing this one. It was in the best condition of the lot. It’s another painting of ships, but I couldn’t find any information on the artist for this one. Nor a date, though the company made these puzzles in the 1950’s and 60’s. There’s no picture on the box, but someone before me had photographed the completed puzzle, and included a printout of that inside. So I did have a guide. It has crisp, unworn edges, the colors are still bright, and the box full of pieces has a nice wood scent.
Only one knob was broken, and I did repair it with wood glue this time. (Visible in the completed puzzle frame, 5th piece from the left bottom corner, done by the 4th photo).
Lots of fun, super squiggly shapes just like in the mountains one. (But a much better picture!)
I’m very please with this one. It’s the biggest piece count I’ve ever done on a wooden puzzle, and took the longest. I didn’t mind at all. The careful scrutiny of shapes and even the way you have to hold surrounding pieces steady while fitting the next one in, can be so meditative. I only had one false fit (you can see it momentarily in the 11th photo, lower edge of the middle portion of sky). Sky was definitely the hardest part, all that plain color with nothing to distinguish except shape. A bit of variation in the blue top to bottom, not much. Still enjoyed the challenge.
Definitely a keeper.