Sabic-El-Rayess, Amra- The Cat I Never Named
Sacchi, Luisa- Creating Candles
Sachar, Louis- Holes
Sacks, Oliver – A Leg to Stand On
Sacks, Oliver – An Anthropologist on Mars
Sacks, Oliver – Awakenings
Sacks, Oliver– Hallucinations
Sacks, Oliver– The Island of the Colorblind
Sacks, Oliver– The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Sacks, Oliver– On the Move
Sacks, Oliver– Uncle Tungsten
Sadler, Judy Ann- Making Candles
Salatin, Joel- Folks, This Ain’t Normal
Sandford, Gina- Aquarium Owner’s Manual
Safina, Carl- Becoming Wild
Safina, Carl–Beyond Words
Safina, Carl– Eye of the Albatross
Safina, Carl– Voyage of the Turtle
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de – Wind, Sand and Stars
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de – The Little Prince
Sales, Nancy Jo- American Girls
Salten, Felix- Bambi
Salten, Felix– Bambi’s Children
Salten, Felix– Fifteen Rabbits
Salzman, Mark – Lying Awake
Santiago, Esmeralda – When I Was Puerto Rican
Sapolsky, Robert- A Primate’s Memoir
Saroyan, William- My Name is Aram
Sarton, May- The Fur Person
Sasson, Jean – Princess
Sasson, Jean – Princess Sultana’s Circle
Sasson, Jean – Princess Sultana’s Daughters
Saunders, Marshall- Beautiful Joe
Savage, Candace- Wild Cats
Savitt, Sam- Wild Horse Running
Schaefer, Jack- Old Ramon
Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg- The Snow Fox
Schaller, George- A Naturalist and Other Beasts
Schaller, George– Golden Shadows, Flying Hooves
Schaller, George– The Serengeti Lion
Schaller, George– Tibet Wild
Scheffer, Victor- Adventures of a Zoologist
Scheffer, Victor– The Year of the Seal
Scheffer, Victor– The Year of the Whale
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy- Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics
Scheuer, Lauren- Once Upon a Flock
Schiotz, Arne- A Guide to Aquarium Fishes and Plants
Schliewen, Ulrich- Aquarium Fish
Schwerin, Doris- Diary of a Pigeon Watcher
Schiller, Lori- The Quiet Room
Schlaepfer, Gloria- Hyenas
Schlessinger, Laura- The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands
Schlitz, Laura Amy- The Night Fairy
Schlosser, Eric- Fast Food Nation
Schomp, Virginia- Triceratops and Other Horned Plant-Eaters
Schor, Juliet- Plenitude
Schulman, Janet- Pale Male
Schultz, Warren- A Man’s Garden
Scigliano, Eric- Love, War and Circuses
Scott, Aurleia- Otherwise Normal People
Scott, Carey- Dangerous Dinosaurs Q&A
Scudder, Janet- Modeling My Life
Seal, Mark- Wildflower
Sears, William and Martha- The Birth Book
Sedaris, David- Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls
Sedaris, David– Me Talk Pretty One Day
Sedaris, David– Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk
Sedaris, David– When You Are Engulfed in Flames
Sedenko, Jerry- The Butterfly Garden
Sedgwick, John- The Peaceable Kingdom
Sedgwick, Marcus- The Dark Horse
Seidenstecker, editor- Great Cats
Seierstad, Asne- The Bookseller of Kabul
Selzer, Richard- Mortal Lessons
Selznick, Brian- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Sendak, Maurice- Higglety Pigglety Pop!
Server, Dean- The Majesty of the Horse
Service, William – Owl
Setterfield, Diane- The Thirteenth Tale
Seton, Ernest Thompson- Animal Heroes
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Bannertail
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Biography of a Grizzly
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Biography of a Silver Fox
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Lives of the Hunted
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Lobo, Rags and Vixen
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Monarch, the Big Bear of Tallac
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Rolf in the Woods
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Trail of an Artist Naturalist
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Trail of the Sandhill Stag
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Two Little Savages
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Wild Animals at Home
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Wild Animals I Have Known
Seton, Ernest Thompson– Woodland Tales
Seton, Nora Janssen- The Road to My Farm
Sewell, Anna – Black Beauty
Sfar, Joann- The Rabbi’s Cat
Shah, Anup and Manoj- African Odyssey: 365 Days
Shalev, Meir- A Pigeon and a Boy
Shaw, Richard- The Bird Book
Shetreat-Klein, Maya- The Dirt Cure
Shafer, Mary (editor)- Almost Perfect
Shedd, Warner- Owls Aren’t Wise and Bats Aren’t Blind
Sheed, Wilfrid- In Love with Daylight
Sherman, Charles (editor)- Nature’s Wonders in Full Color
Sherr, Lynn- Tall Blondes
Shetterly, Will- Dogland
Shreve, Anita – The Pilot’s Wife
Shreve, Anita – Sea Glass
Shubel, Stan- Aquarium Care of Fancy Guppies
Shusterman, Neal- Challenger Deep
Sibley, David Allen- What It’s Like to Be a Bird
Sienkiewicz-Mercer, Ruth- I Raise My Eyes to Say Yes
Siino, Betsy Sikoro- Hamster: Your Happy Healthy Pet
Silberman, Jayne M.- In the Herd
Silverberg, Robert- The Auk, the Dodo and the Oryx
Silverstein, Shel – The Giving Tree
Simeone, Vincent- Grow More With Less
Simmons, Mark A.- Killing Keiko
Simmons, Rachel- The Curse of the Good Girl
Simon and Schuster- Guide to Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fishes
Simpson, Dana- Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Simpson, Dana– Unicorn on a Roll
Simpson, Dana– Unicorn vs. Goblins
Simpson, Dana– Razzle Dazzle Unicorn
Simpson, Dana– Unicorn Crossing
Simpson, Dana– The Magic Storm
Simpson, Dana– Unicorn of Many Hats
Singer, Judy Reene – Horseplay
Singer, Peter- Animal Liberation
Singh and Zingg- Wolf Children and Feral Man
Sipple, William S.- Through the Eyes of a Young Naturalist
Sitomer, Alan Lawrence- The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez
Sjonger and Kalman- Gerbils
Sjonger and Kalman– Mice
Skloot, Rebecca- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Skomal, Gregory- Freshwater Aquarium
Skurzynski, Gloria- What Happened in Hamelin
Sleator, William- House of Stairs
Sloan, Christopher- Bizarre Dinosaurs
Sloan, Mark- Birth Day
Sloan, Robin- Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
Small, David- Stitches
Smiley, Jane- Moo
Smiley, Jane– A Thousand Acres
Smiley, Jane– A Year at the Races
Smiley, Jane– Ordinary Love and Good Will
Smith, Alexander McCall- The Girl Who Married a Lion
Smith, Betty- Maggie-Now
Smith, Bradley- The Horse in the West
Smith, Doty- I Capture the Castle
Smith, Joanna- The One-Hour Garden
Smith, Jos A.- The Pen and Ink Book
Smith, Lucy Mack- The History of Joseph Smith
Smith, Mark Phillip- Tetras and Other Characins
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley- Black and Blue Magic
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr – The Gulag Archipelago
Sorel, Nancy Caldwell- Word People
Soto, Gary- Buried Onions
Southern Living- Vegetable Gardening
Spilsbury, Richard- Bengal Tigers (Animals Under Threat)
Spinelli, Jerry- Loser
Spinelli, Jerry– Stargirl
Spinka, Penina Keen- Picture Maker
Stadelmann and Finley- Tropical Fish
Stansbury, Ed- Breeding and Raising Angelfishes
Stanwell-Fletcher, Theodora- Driftwood Valley
Stark, Peter- The White Bushman
Starkell, Don- Paddle to the Amazon
Stegner, Wallace- All the Little Live Things
Stegner, Wallace– Mormon Country
Steig, William- Abel’s Island
Stein, Arlene- Unbound: Transgender Men and the Remaking of Identity
Stein, Garth- The Art of Racing in the Rain
Stein, Sara B.- Noah’s Garden
Stein, Barbara B.- My Weeds
Steinbeck, John- The Red Pony
Steingraber, Sandra- Having Faith
Stephen, David- Bodach the Badger
Stephens, Gloria- Legacy of the Cat
Stephens, Mary Jo- Zoe’s Zodiac
Stephenson, Neal- Quicksilver
Sterba, Jim- Nature Wars
Sterling, Ian (editor)- Bears
Stevens, Austin- Snakemaster
Stevens, Karl- Penny
Stevens, Kathy- Where the Blind Horse Sings
Stevenson, D.E.- House of the Deer
Stevenson, Robert Louis – Treasure Island
Stewart, Amy- Flower Confidential
Stewart, Amy– From the Ground Up
Stewart, Amy– Wicked Plants
Stewart, Elinor Pruitt- Letters of a Woman Homesteader
Stewart, Mary- Touch Not the Cat
Stewart Mary – The Wicked Day
Stimson, Ellen- Mud Season
Stockett, Kathryn- The Help
Stockton, Frank- The Griffin and the Minor Canon
Stockton, Shreve- The Daily Coyote
Stoker, Bram- Dracula
Stolzenburg, William- Heart of a Lion
Stone, Irving (editor) – Dear Theo
Stone, Irving– The Origin
Stone, Richard- Mammoth
Stone, Sophia L.- Mormon Diaries
Stonehouse, Bernard- Mountain Life
Stowe, Debbie- Baby Animals
Stowe, Harriet Beecher- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Stout, Mira- One Thousand Chestnut Trees
Strassmann, Joan- Slow Birding
Strayed, Cheryl- Wild
Stretch, Mary Jane- The Swan in My Bathtub
Stromberg, Tony- Spirit Horses
Stuart, Jesse – Thread That Runs So True
Sturges, Lilah (after Lev Grossman)- The Magicians: Alice’s Story
Stutchbury, Bridget- Silence of the Songbirds
Strycker, Noah- The Thing with Feathers
Sullivan, Amanda- Organized Enough
Sullivan, Robert- Rats
Sullivan, Robert (editor)- Wonders of Life
Summer, Lauralee- Learning Joy from Dogs without Collars
Surtees, Robert- Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour
Sussman, Rachel- The Oldest Living Things in the World
Sutherland, Tui- The Dragonet Prophecy (Wings of Fire Book 1)
Sutherland, Tui– The Lost Heir (Wings of Fire Book 2)
Sutherland, Tui– The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire Book 3)
Sutherland, Tui– The Dark Secret (Wings of Fire Book 4)
Sutherland, Tui– The Brightest Night (Wings of Fire Book 5)
Sverdup-Thygeson, Anne- Buzz Sting Bite
Swanson, Susan Marie- The House in the Night
Swartzwelder and White- What Are They Thinking?!
Sweeny, Mary- The 101 Best Aquarium Plants
Sweeney, William- Woman’s Doctor
Swift, Earl- Journey on the James
Swinfen, Averil- Donkeys Galore
Synge, Ursula- Swan’s Wing
Szymanski and Emge- Chicoteague Ponies
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