Jeweled Peacock

Photographer: unknown Made by: Dreamtivity Count: 101 pieces Final size: 16 x 6″ Piece Type/Variety: Ribbon cut, average Piece quality: Average Skin irritation: None I think this is the first 100-piece panoramic that I’ve ever done. For what I would usually consider a “kid’s puzzle”, it was somewhat challenging. All the feathers complex and dazzling. […]

Colorful Buildings, Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

Photographer: unknownMaker and Year: LPF Ltd, 2010Count: 350 piecesFinal size: 12.25 x 7.25″Piece Type/Variety: Ribbon cut, one shapePiece quality: PoorSkin irritation: None A very long name for a small puzzle! Thin, rather flimsy pieces with no variety. They did go oblong one way and more squarish the other, so at least there was orientation to […]

On the Trail

Artist: Elaine EsternMade by: Coconut Coast StudiosCount: 300 piecesFinal size: 15.5 x 11″Piece Type/Variety: Straight ribbon cut, one shapePiece quality: DecentSkin irritation: None Nice little puzzle that I got as a souvenir. From the Virgin Islands, in a gift shop at the National Park on St. John Island. I was delighted to find a small, […]

A Whale of the Wild

I liked this one better, too. It has two main characters- young Deneb, a male orca and his older sister Vega. The chapters alternate between each whale’s viewpoint, and are both written in first-person format, so it took me a few chapters to figure out how to tell who was now narrating. There’s a dorsal […]

Bengal Tiger

Photographer: unknownMaker and Year: Cra-Z-ArtCount: 100 piecesFinal size: 13 x 10″Piece Type/Variety:Piece quality: GoodSkin irritation: None Another little puzzle I worked on a board on my lap. From the Kodak Premium Puzzles series. I was actually pleased with this one. The pieces are a bit thicker than the MB kid puzzles. They have a kind […]

clownfish in anenome

Photographer: Jeffrey L. RotmonMaker and Year: Milton Bradley, 2006Count: 100 piecesFinal size: 15 x 12.5″Piece Type/Variety: Ribbon cut, averagePiece quality: GoodSkin irritation: None I injured my knee and have to keep it elevated. That’s really hard to do at my usual puzzling table because there are pieces around the edge under the tabletop and framework […]

A Horse Named Sky

Story of a wild horse, from his youth to young adulthood. At first he lives free and loves the feel of the wind in his mane, loves to run and spar with other young horses. He knows that his days of living with his natal band are numbered, that eventually he will be ousted, but […]

Further Adventures of Lad

Wonderfully written short stories about collie dogs that lived on a lakeshore estate in the early 1900’s. The author bred and raised collies there and wrote a lot of stories about them that became very popular. You’d think from this title, that it’s a direct sequel to Lad, A Dog– but actually there are a […]


Artist: Mateo DineenMaker and Year: Heye, 2021Count: 1,000 piecesFinal size: 20 x 27″Piece Type/Variety: Random cut, high varietyPiece quality: GoodSkin irritation: None I have reformed my opinion of this puzzle brand. The one I did before, had such little piece variety it was frustrating on the background areas (mostly solid color). I thought it would be […]

A Wolf Called Wander

Story of a wolf, based on the life of a real wolf (OR-7) studied from a pack in Yellowstone. You can even see a map of where he went. Of course a lot of this is made up, showing things surmised from the wolf’s perspective, but the actual places he traveled is factual. Called Wander […]