Tag: Animals Nonfiction

Our Enduring Fascination with the Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World

by Patrik Svensson

The more I read about eels, the more fascinated I am. This book was published almost a decade after Eels by James Prosek, and yet it doesn’t add a whole lot to the eel’s story. Not to say there isn’t a lot of different information, and what was familiar was presented from different angles, so I found it intriguing all over again (plus I had forgotten plenty of details in the meantime). But in the end, the unanswered questions still remain. The eel’s birthplace remains at most a highly probably best guess, still nobody has seen two eels mating, or found adult sexually mature eels in the Sargasso Sea. If I read about this in the first book I had forgotten: that young Sigmund Freud spent a month dissecting hundreds of eels in search of one that had reproductive organs (eels don’t develop sexual organs until they’re on their final journey to the sea to mate). I read (probably again) about the man who tracked down the eels’ breeding ground, by following the leaflike eel larvae searching for smaller and smaller ones until he must be near their birthplace. Twenty years of searching. I read about how eels were among the foods that saved early colonists in New England from starving (even though nobody eats eel for Thanksgiving, they should!) About an eel that a kid tossed down a well, and apparently it survived there for a hundred and fifty years, alone in the dark, eating the occasional thing that fell in. Eels can have a very long lifespan. And what’s crazy is that they make their journey back to the sea, undergoing a final metamorphosis into an adult eel, at anywhere from four or five years to thirty, fifty, eighty . . . or more. So two eels that meet in the Sargasso Sea could be “all in the same developmental phase, the same relative age, if you will, and yet the oldest seven times older than the youngest.” There’s stories of eels caught in their young stages and kept in captivity, that stayed in that phase for years and years, never developing further.

There’s a lot of material in this book quoted from Rachel Carson’s Under the Sea Wind, which has a lengthy section about the life of an eel. And a passage reproduced and examined at length, from The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass, where the main character and his parents observed a man pull a dead horse’s head out of the water and extract eels from it. I found this passage very disturbing back then and disturbing now all over again! (In fact, a lot of that book was disturbing. It’s one I read in high school, the words captivated me and I was proud of reading a real dorstopper, but a lot of things in that book were rather repulsive, it’s one I kind of regret reading at all. However a lot of it also went way over my head, so not sure I can judge it fairly).

This book also has a lot of personal narrative, where the author describes fishing for eels with his father as a young boy, how their methods changed over the decades, and different details surrounding that. It was lovely, even though of course the eels die and get eaten. And the way they acquired a massive amount of worms to make a special kind of bait ball, was rather shocking!

Plus lots more facts and interesting stories and tidbits about the life and mystery of eels, of course. At the end, as is sadly the case with many books about wild animals that I read, is a chapter full of concern for indications that eel numbers are falling drastically, and it is likely this animal will go extinct before we even have understood it completely.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 4/5
241 pages, 2019

by Jim and Jamie Dutcher

It’s a tad disappointing that this book was on my TBR list for eight years, and now that I finally got a chance to read it, I just wasn’t that awestruck. It’s another photograph-heavy coffee-table sized book, companion to The Hidden Life of Wolves. (I thought at first this one had been published later, but actually it came first). The project it was based on is described in Wolves At Our Door. Having already read those other two books, this one offers very little new or different info. It’s actually somewhat repetitive inside its own pages. There’s parts that describe (briefly) the filming project, the social structure of the wolf pack, their hunting skills and involved care of the young. There’s very little narrative of actual incidents- but two stand out to my mind in particular: the wolves’ reaction when a raven died, and how they were observed eating flowers (shooting stars) in a field, every spring (but nobody was sure why). Everything else was nice- but for me, not much more than that. The photographs really are beautiful and expressive, but also a bit grainy, not with the clarity of focus or printing as nowadays. For it’s time this is a gorgeous book, but I can’t help comparing it to other things I’ve read before that were written since, and it doesn’t stand up as excellent in that regard. All that said, I am holding onto it!

What I really want is to see the films these authors have produced- about wolves, and cougars. Haven’t been able to find them available anywhere (aside from buying my own dvd that is).

Rating: 3/5
176 pages, 2005

Seeking the Hunter in Our Midst

by Catherine Reid

The author wanted to see a coyote. Not in a zoo or research center (though she did visit one where litters of coyote pups were being raised), but out free in the wild. Near her house. This book is about all sorts of things circling around the coyote. Sometimes it doesn’t sit well with me when a book purportedly about an animal, tends to be just as much about the author’s personal life. In this case, I didn’t mind- I found that part interesting and relevant, but I can see why another reviewer complained about it. She talks about the landscape, her reasons for moving away from the area and back home again, her fears of the family’s reactions to her partner (she’s lesbian), her trans friend visiting, how she attempts to thwart deer and other animals from eating her garden (I can relate!), looking for a fox den, the history of wildlife management where she lives (and all over the States, really), etc. The parts about coyotes range from how they’ve been persecuted to their interbreeding with wolves. There’s plenty of musings on how close coyotes are related to red wolves or Mexican wolves, and where do you draw the line to define a species. Because is the Eastern coyote a coyote/wolf hybrid, or a coyote evolving into a distinct species- larger than its western counterpart, with subtle but distinctive differences in how it hunts, how its pups play, and so on. A lot of those differences align more with the habits of wolves, so thus the confusion. There was a lot in here about coyotes and wolves and their interrelationship with man (in general) that I hadn’t thought on before. I knew that coyotes eat cats and small dogs, I didn’t know they would attempt to make off with a small child- many incidents of toddlers being accosted by coyotes in here. And in the end, the very last chapter, she does finally catch a fleeting glimpse of a coyote, out in the wild. Pervasive, persistent, elusive creature. Like so many other animals– they are surviving around and in spite of us because they’re successful.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
179 pages, 2004

Living with Caribou

by Seth Kantner

The author grew up in Alaska, where his family (white folks) lived as the Natives did, in a sod igloo on the tundra, hunting and gathering food each year. Very close to the land. As he got older, his brother decided to leave for college, and when Katner had his own children, his daughter likewise left for the Lower 48. But he stayed in his father’s footsteps, only wanting to be an expert hunter, to know the animals and landscape more closely, to be there. The book varies widely in its focus: some chapters are about his family history, why and how they lived the way they did, the difficulties and sense of fulfillment in it. Other chapters are about the land, the history of people in Alaska, how arrival of Outsiders changed things, how wildlife management and land ownership has changed things, and most of all how climate shifts have changed and affected everything. But mostly it’s about the caribou. How much they depend on this one animal. Why it is so valuable to people living a subsistence lifestyle. Possible causes between a population crash in the past (which sounded like fable to Katner when older people told him about it in his youth), the abundance and growth he knew most of his life, and the troublesome reduction in numbers more recently. As much as this man loves the wildlife and hunting, he is honest about the choices he’s had to make to maintain it. Why they stopped using dog teams for the most part, and switched to machines. How thrilled he was as a teenager to finally own a modern (semi-automatic) rifle that had far more accuracy and ease of use than any weapon he’d had in the past. This was so effective in “harvesting” animals that most people overdid it. Or got careless. Leaving wounded caribou, or spoiling the meat with bad shots. How shameful that was, and yet he found himself struggling to resist the urge to continue, to just get another and another. The passage describing this impulse to keep killing and how he fought it off, was very sobering. It reminds me of reading accounts when a predator got into a pen of sheep, or a fox into a henhouse, how rampantly they slaughter- because the prey can’t flee, and suddenly it is so easy . . . 

There are stories in here of people he knew growing up, and the wisdom they shared. Interesting characters. Stories of how villages changed and grew with influx of new technologies and connections to Outside. Accounts of government and politics likewise getting involved, affecting the lives of people and animals too. The historical parts interested me more than I first expected them to. I didn’t know, for example, that reindeer were introduced from other parts of the world, when caribou scarcity threatened the lives of Natives decades ago. Or how different they are now, in spite of actually being the same species. Since this is a book about a hunter, there is a lot on how the animals are butchered and their bodies used, in plenty of detail- which might put off some readers.

I recall now having read Caribou and the Barren-Lands, but the details now unclear. I wish I’d read these books alongside each other.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 4/5
320 pages, 2021

A Dog and His People

by Rick Bragg

By the same author as All Over But the Shoutin’. Which I had forgotten about, but reminded myself of via my own review, and now I feel this one rounds the other out nicely. It’s kind of a memoir, mostly focused on the dog. The author lived with his mother and brother on a small farm, in his older age. Struggling with some health issues, just getting through each day and keeping the place more or less running. They took in a stray dog that had lots of problems. Half blind, loved to chase everything, always getting into all kinds of trouble. Author would tell everyone what a bad dog he was, worst dog he’d ever have. Never minded unless he had his own reasons too, that dog. At the beginning you get a sense they wondered why they bothered to keep him around. Then they started to tolerate his ways, quit expecting him to change (though he did mellow some after finally being neutered). And at the end, you get a sense that this phrase “he’s a bad dog” was said with pride, and even fondness. The dog really behaved awfully, but he needed a home after living rough for who-knows how long, and when he saw it was good here, he stuck by his people. Just sitting companionably on the porch when someone was too unwell to do much more than sit and gaze down the driveway. He spent hours in the house (though usually preferred being outside) being near his elderly mother, an ear to all her stories when she lost family during Covid. When folks needed him, the dog was there. I didn’t realize how recent this book was, how current to times, until I read about their fears of Covid, struggles with lockdown, grief that went unattenuated- no funerals or family gatherings to honor someone’s passing. That made it very much more real to me, but also kind of eerie, as I don’t often read books that echo so soon something I’ve gone through. (I didn’t loose any family members during Covid, but other aspects of that story, I could relate to).

It’s not all sad though, not by a long shot. There’s wry commentary and quiet moments and lots of humor, especially at the dog’s misbehavior. I think my favorite part was when the dog tried to herd kittens in the barn- the episode included a large paper sack- and I was laughing so hard. This author is a really good storyteller. I ought to read more of his work.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
238 pages, 2021

The Physics of Animal Life

by Matin Durrani and Liz Kalaugher

Animals and science. This one was a bit slow for me to get through. I enjoyed all the things I learned about exactly how animals do things (though some details are still undiscovered, or at least at the time of this publication), but I didn’t always grasp the explanations, even though I could tell the author was simplifying matters for the general reader. In a nice way. And when equations came into the mix, my focus would start to slide. Mathematics and physics not really my thing. But I’m game to try and comprehend.

This book delves into heat conduction and energy transfer, Newton’s laws of motion, the properties of fluids and what that means for animals that move through it, on top of it, or simply want to avoid turbulence (in water or air); sound vibrations and how animals use or exploit them, likewise with electricity and magnetism, curious properties of how light travels, and quantum physics. I admit I got lost a few times. But the main subject- the animals- kept drawing my curiosity back to continue.

Some of the things I learned: some garter snakes pretend to be female to steal heat from others. Ground squirrels fight rattlesnakes by bluffing with their tails- about their size- via heat conductivity. Dwarf seahorses are super sneaky. Bees find flowers and detect if other bees have already visited them, via perception of electric fields. Oriental hornets can absorb sunlight and save it as energy using a pigment called xanthopterin! Ants navigate by polarized light- so they can find their way even on cloudy days. And there’s so much more, from how archerfish hit their targets in spite of light refraction through water, to why giant squids have such huge eyes and how geckos manage to walk on the ceiling, to the ways many other animals’ bodies work within and exploit the laws of physics- from harlequin mantis shrimp, bats, sea turtles, cuckoo chicks, elephants, bees, spiny lobsters and peacocks (shivering their tail feather display to create sounds outside the range of human hearing- but apparently very alluring to peahens), komodo dragons and mosquitoes, to your ordinary cats and dogs. Fascinating stuff, if also a bit tiresome. (It was a good go-to-sleep-at-night book).

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
304 pages, 2016

Inside the Bizzare World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures

by Carl Zimmer

You’d think from the cover and subtitle that this is mostly about how creepy and icky and scary parasites are. And they are. But it’s also about how amazingly adaptive they can be, how influential on other animals (and plants) including humans, even how beautiful they are when viewed up close by someone appreciative (the author). Some parts of this book get really detailed about microbiology at the cellular level, which made me have to read every page a few times over because I just didn’t get it. Most is easily understandable and fascinating. Especially all the interconnections that I was never aware of. Parasites are complicated. Many of them still not very well understood, or even identified. Lots are very specific to their host, so if that host animal goes extinct, so do the numerous parasite species that live within it. I’d heard of the parasites that can control the actions of insects, or make rats unafraid of cats, in order to facilitate getting into their next host to continue their lifecycle. I had never before read about how parasites can make male crabs act like pregnant females, or do any other number of things that hold sway over the rise and fall of various animal populations. I loved the story about how an entomologist solved the problem of the cassava mealybug in Africa, that threatened to destroy the main food crop of 200 million people in the 1970’s. He thwarted that by introducing a very specific parasite, and the details of that were a great read. Unfortunately, there’s lots of other mentions on attempts to control pest species by introducing a parasite that went wrong. This book certainly made me feel creeped out and itchy at times, I’d have to put it aside for a bit. But it was also captivating. One I’ll probably want to read again someday.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 4/5
306 pages, 2000

The Insects Who Rule the World and the People Obsessed With Them

by David MacNeal

I liked the subject matter, but not the delivery. I tried for fifty pages and then kept thinking about other books I’d rather be reading instead. Looked at some other reviews online to see if it might get better, or was it my own lack of focus, but a lot of people agreed with me: this book is scattered and jumpy. It’s full of jokes and odd asides and pop culture references (which usually don’t do much for me). The jokes would be fine, except they’re crammed in there, every few sentences it felt like, so I’d forget what I was actually supposed to be reading about. The footnotes sometimes add useful or interesting information, but just as often they are more attempts at humor. Which reminded me too much of Mud Season, and that’s not a good thing. It’s when I saw another reader compare this author’s writing style to Mary Roach that I realized my hunch was right: ditch this one. There’s much better books on insects out there, if I really want to learn something. Also, it seems to be more focused on the oddities of people who study insects, than the curiosities and marvels of the insects themselves. Not for me.

What I did glean from those fifty pages: the efficiency of ant colonies mapping out pathways, inspired some computer algorithms for internet connections to avoid congestion and slowdowns. Insects are sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field (it wasn’t explained what they do with that, but I assume it’s for navigation). An insect’s brain may be the size of a pinhead, but it’s complex and packed with so many neurophils that it took a team of arthropod neuroscientists twenty-five meetings over almost ten years, to map out the separate regions. Disappointing, all the tiresome bits I wasn’t interested in, to read through to the good stuff. I wish I had the patience for that, but I don’t right now.

Borrowed from the public library. Back it goes!

Rating: Abandoned
308 pages, 2017

Living with the Mule Deer of Deadman Gulch

by Joe Hutto

I knew about this guy because I watched his documentary film about living with wild turkeys a few years ago- and have really been wanting to read his book about that experience (Illumination in the Flatwoods) ever since. I should have known he worked with more species, not just turkeys. His list of close contact wildlife studies includes bighorn sheep, wood ducks, elk, gray foxes and many others. I hoped for more books on those, but can’t find any (though I assume he’s written reports).

Touching the Wild is about his study on a mule deer herd in Wyoming. The deer had their winter range on part of his ranch, so he and his wife easily observed them up close. And then one day, a single doe started hanging out in his yard near the house, showing little fear of humans. She was there so often they gave her a name, and she soon accepted food they offered. The other deer saw that she was unharmed and started to come closer to the house too, so before long they could recognize many individuals. They gave them all names, and started keeping track of how the deer were related to each other, which one had new fawns, who got injured or sick, which had dominant status, and so on. All that is chronicled in the bulk of this book- a saga of the deer through seven years. Their personalities are distinct, and their stories are individual. Some seem to meet with bad luck from the start- loose their mother as a fawn, struggle with hunger and illness, loose their own fawns as an adult, meet with terrible injury from barbed wire or mountain lion attacks, and on and on. A lot of suffering detailed. But also very close and tender moments, as some of the deer became so trusting they would allow the author to groom them with his hands, or sit near them while they were in labor! Other individuals remained suspicious and would never let him approach (and he always respected that). This man had been a hunter, but now after knowing the deer as individuals he found their deaths hard to take and tried to protect them, feeding orphaned fawns even though he knew fewer than half would survive, supplementing winter feed when the deer had a difficult time, etc. He never intervened to patch up injuries or administer medications though.

I liked this book but also felt a little disappointed in it. It has a lot of effusive writing- not flowery per se, but full of descriptions with long words- example-  ” Learning and transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next is a fundamental tenet of culture and is distinguished from those social systems that are defined by the instinctive obligations of genetically defined social behavior”  – and expressing over and over a very emotional connection to the deer. He kept saying how much he learned from the deer, how they revealed the secrets of their lives to him, but I never got a good sense of what that was. What secrets of their behavior did he uncover? It wasn’t until the final chapters that there was actual information about the mule deer lives outside of their social interactions in his yard- how they compete with other cervid species for habitat, how many predators threaten them, how their physiology and behavior is so different from the white-tail. Honestly I found this section more interesting, that I was actually learning something from it- and there wasn’t enough of that.

Most telling was all his explanations of mule deer population declines, and his theories on the underlying causes. The prevalence of predators again (wolves and mountain lions), the number of human hunters (allowed to take does and fawns as well as bucks), the low ratio of female fawns (which no one can really explain), and for some reason the deer seem to be having trouble getting enough nutrition from their summer range. I had never heard of the effects of acid rain on plant life in mountain regions- but I went to read more about it after this book, and yes it seems to be a real problem- it’s complicated but basically it changes the chemical composition of the soil which binds up selenium so the wildlife ends up with deficiencies which leads to disease. It’s troubling that I looked up more about mule deer in Wyoming, and it seems their numbers are still in decline. And yet hunters are still allowed to buy permits to take does and fawns- the main thing this author argued against.

A mule deer is a creature that is wide awake on this planet, and I feel safe in saying that the human organism by comparison is a creature asleep at the wheel. The human brain is developed around a highly complex, language-based representational system, and we are proficient at collecting and organizing large quantities of information, but there appears to be little correlation between the acquisition and accumulation of these vast amounts of information and the achievement and expression of a corresponding wisdom. It must be bound up in the complexity of the human brain, but, ironically, we are creatures who find it exceedingly difficult to simply pay attention.

Borrowed from the public library. The book has many good photographs. I’m now inclined to look for the corresponding documentary film.

Rating: 3/5
313 pages, 2014

Public Lands, Private Herds and the Natural World

by Cat Urbigkit

Following and tending to a herd of sheep, through one season on a Wyoming range. The author and her husband raise sheep on a federal grazing allotment, keeping the herd within a prescribed area (albeit very large) for the main part of the season, and returning home to the ranch for the winter. There’s day-to-day descriptions of her work with the herd, weather and wildlife encounters on the range. Interspersed with all that are explanations on how grazing animals affect the landscape, the difficulties in dealing with predators which are protected under law, and descriptions of how range sheep are managed in other parts of the world, with a lot about the benefits of pastoral grazing and the culture of sheepherders. It was a bit dry in style, but also very interesting because presented a completely different viewpoint to previous things I’ve read about wildlife and the use of land for grazing animals. Just one example, even though I read it many years ago, I still remember how strongly this book convinced me that coyotes are good for the landscape- insisting among other things, that they mostly ate small rodents and ground squirrels, not calves (that writer lived in an area with many cattle ranchers). Urbigkit makes it very plain that coyotes were a serious threat to her lambs, along with birds of prey, black bears, wolves (introduced from Canada) and mountain lions. The most effective -and least harmful to protected wildlife- way to keep the sheep losses to a minimum, is using guardian dogs that are raised with the sheep and live among the flock. I’ve heard about these special dogs before, so I really liked reading more about that. They’re quite fierce- not hesitating to tangle with the predators- and tenderly watch over lambs that go astray or get abandoned by their mothers, until the shepherd can take them into her care (during the year of this book, she had fifteen “bum” lambs). I was surprised to read how widely the dogs roam- pretty much wherever they want to, in their duties protecting the flock. Sometimes she got visited by dogs from other flocks that happened to be nearby- and often recognized them, as being from the same litter as one of her dogs, offspring of one she knew, etc. The young lambs sound so darling, but of course they sometimes meet with mishaps or disease, and not all the orphans she raises in the bum flock make it. The book closes tidily with the end of the season, when they move the sheep herd to sort out the lambs and older ewes for sale, and return to the ranch for winter.

Some of the more interesting points were learning about how the grazing habits of the sheep, with their hooves breaking up the soil and their dung fertilizing it, actually improve the land (sagebrush does better and is more productive with grazers passing through, for example). I read more about the controversial winter feeding of elk on the range- I thought this was just to keep elk from starving during tough winters, but apparently it is to keep them from going to areas where cattle are fed, because disease can pass between the two species. Also I learned that wild bighorns can cross with domestic sheep, although the resulting hybrids are a problem because legally the shepherds can’t own any wildlife or hybrids thereof (even though they tried to keep the bighorn ram out of their flock!) There was also a pronghorn that started hanging out with the sheep on a regular basis at one point. And she had two donkeys that lived with the herd, also protecting the sheep but with different focus and methods than the dogs. All the interactions of the animals are engaging to read- whether dogs and sheep, dogs and coyotes, ravens hanging around the lambing grounds, grouse, foxes, osprey, cranes and more that the author could observe up close. There’s plenty of photographs.

I was curious to see what else this author has written, so took a look- quite a few books about sheep, the guardian dogs, and some of the wildlife in Wyoming. I’ve read her book about pronghorn. Most of the other titles appear to be juvenile non-fiction, which is still appealing enough I may look for some of them at the library.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
289 pages, 2012


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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