Pacific Marine Fishes of Southern Japan and the Ryukus– Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Southern Japan and the Western Pacific– Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Mombassa– Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Taiwan and Adjacent Waters– Burgess and Axelrod
Paddle to the Amazon– Don Starkell
Paddling of Ducks, A– Dillon Ripley
Painted Bird, The– Jerzy Kosinski
Painter from Shanghai, The – Jennifer Cody Epstein
Pale Male– Janet Schulman
Pandas– Heather Angel
Paradise Under Glass- Ruth Kassinger
Parasite Rex– Carl Zimmer
Parrot’s Lament, The– Eugene Linden
Parrot Who Owns Me, The– Joanna Burger
Parsival, or a Knight’s Tale – Richard Monaco
Passage to India, A– E.M. Forster
Passager– Jane Yolen
Passing Playbook, The– Isaac Fitzsimons
Past Due– Anne Finger
Pastels Made Easy – Anne Heywood
Pastwatch – Orson Scott Card
Path of the Pronghorn– Cat Urbigkit
Path of the Puma– Jim Williams
Paths of Desire – Dominique Browning
Pattern of the Tiger– Stanwell Fletcher
Pax– Sara Pennypacker
Peaceable Kingdom, The– John Sedgwick
Peacock Spring, The– Rumer Godden
Pegasus– Robin McKinley
Pen and Ink Book, The– Jos A. Smith
Penny– Karl Stevens
Peony– Pearl S. Buck
People of the Abyss, The – Jack London
People of the Blue Water – Flora Gregg Iliff
People of the Book– Geraldine Brooks
People of the Deer – Farley Mowat
People of the Sea– Michael and Kathleen Gear
People of the Sky – Clare Bell
Personalities on the Plate – Barbara King
Peregrine Spring– Nancy Cowan
Pet Nation– Mark Cushing
Phoebe and Her Unicorn– Dana Simpson
Picking Your Battles– Bonnie Maslin
Picture Maker– Penina Keen Spinka
Pig Tales– Barry Estabrook
Pig Who Sang to the Moon– Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Pigeon and a Boy, A– Meir Shalev
Pigeons– Andrew Blechman
Pigs Don’t Fly– Mary Brown
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek – Anne Dilliard
Pilot’s Wife, The – Anita Shreve
Pilu of the Woods– Mai Nguyen
Pincher Martin – William Golding
Pink Boots and a Machete– Mireya Mayor
Pitiful Gardener’s Handbook, The – Connie and Cheney Eden
Pit’s Letter– Sue Coe
Plague, The– Albert Camus
Plague and I, The– Betty MacDonald
Plague Dogs, The – Richard Adams
Plain Truth, The– Jodi Picoult
Plainsong – Kent Haruf
Plant Life– Susan Berry and Steve Bradley
Pleasure of Believing – Anastasia Hobbet
Plenitude– Juliet Schor
Plumbelly– Gary S. Maynard
Poisonous– Angie Outis
Poisonwood Bible, The – Barbara Kingsolver
Polar Life– Susan Hayes and Joseph Lucas
Polysyllabic Spree, The – Nick Hornby
Poop– Nicola Davies
Popular Flowering Plants– H.L.V Fletcher
Potty Training Your Baby – Katie van Pelt
Power of Babel, The– John McWhorter
Power of One, The – Bryce Courtenay
Predator, The (Animorphs #5)– K.A. Applegate
Pregnancy Stories– Cecelia Cancellaro (editor)
Preludes and Nocturnes– Neil Gaiman
Pretender, The (Animorphs #23)– K.A. Applegate
Pride of Baghdad– Brian K. Vaughan
Primary Colors – Anonymous
Primates– Jim Ottaviani
Primate’s Memoir, A– Robert M. Sapolsky
Princess – Jean Sasson
Princess Sultana’s Circle – Jean Sasson
Princess Sultana’s Daughters – Jean Sasson
Produce– Bruce Beck
Professor and the Madman, The– Simon Winchester
Project Hail Mary– Andy Weir
Project Seahorse– Pamela Turner
Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, The – Laura Schlessinger
Prophecy, The (Animorphs #34)– K.A. Applegate
Proposal, The (Animorphs #35)– K.A. Applegate
Psycho Kitty?– Pam Johnson-Bennett
Pukka– Ted Kerasote
Pukka’s Promise– Ted Kerasote
Put Yourself in Their Shoes – Barbara Meltz
Pyewacket– Rosemary Weir
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