X, Doctor- Intern
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn- Four Horses for Tishtry
Yep, Laurence- Angelfish
Yep, Laurence– Dragon of the Lost Sea
Yoffe, Emily – What the Dog Did
Yolen, Jane- Briar Rose
Yolen, Jane– Children of the Wolf
Yolen, Jane– Dragon’s Blood
Yolen, Jane– Dragon’s Heart
Yolen, Jane– Foiled
Yolen, Jane– Heart’s Blood
Yolen, Jane– Hobby
Yolen, Jane– The Last Dragon
Yolen, Jane– Merlin
Yolen, Jane– The Mermaid’s Three Wisdoms
Yolen, Jane– Passager
Yolen, Jane– A Sending of Dragons
Yolen, Jane– Tales of Wonder
Yolen, Jane– Trash Mountain
Zahn, Timothy- Dragon and Thief
Zahn, Timothy– Dragon and Soldier
Zahn, Timothy– Dragon and Slave
Zahn, Timothy– Dragon and Herdsman
Zahn, Timothy– Dragon and Judge
Zahn, Timothy– Dragon and Liberator
Zeveloff, Samuel- Raccoons
Zibners, Lara- If Your Kid Eats This Book, Everything Will Still Be Okay
Zickefoose, Julie- Baby Birds: An Artist Looks into the Nest
Zickefoose, Julie– The Bluebird Effect
Zickefoose, Julie– Saving Jemimah
Zistel, Era- Thistle & Co.
Zigman, Laura- Separation Anxiety
Zimmer, Carl- Parasite Rex
Zusak, Markus- The Book Thief
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