Eagle Huntress, The– Aisholpan Nurgaiv
Early Diaries of Anais Nin, The– Anais Nin
Earning My Spots – Mark Eastburn
East– Edith Pattou
Easy Care Guide to Houseplants– Jack Kramer
Eat, Pray, Love– Elizabeth Gilbert
Eating Animals– Jonathan Safran Foer
Ecology of Stray Dogs, The– Alan Beck
Ecology of the Coyote in the Yellowstone– Adolph Murie
Edge of Day, The– Laurie Lee
Edges of the Earth– Richard Leo
Educated– Tara Westover
Educating Esmé– Esmé Raji Codell
Education of a Gardener– Russell Page
Education of Little Tree, The– Forrest Carter
Education of Koko, The – Francine Patterson
Eels– James Prosek
Egg and I, The– Betty MacDonald
Egret– Helen Collins
El Zoo Petrificado– Joris Chamblain
Eleanor and Park– Rainbow Rowell
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine– Gail Honeyman
Elegy Beach– Steven R. Boyett
Elephant Keeper– Christopher Nicholson
Elephant Whisperer, The– Lawrence Anthony
Elfangor’s Secret (Megamorphs #3)– K.A. Applegate
Elizabeth and Her German Garden– Elizabeth von Arnim
Ella Minnow Pea– Mark Dunn
Ellimist Chronicles, The– K.A. Applegate
Elm at the Edge of the Earth, The – Robert Hale
Elmer and the Dragon – Ruth Stiles Gannett
Elsewhere in the Land of Parrots– Jim Paul
Embraced by the Light – Betty Eadie
Enchanted Places, The– Christopher Milne
Enchantment– Orson Scott Card
Enchantress from the Stars– Sylvia Engdahl
The Encounter (Animorphs #3)– K.A. Applegate
Encounters with Animals– Gerald Durrell
End of Illness, The– David B. Agus
Endurance– Alfred Lansing
Enrique’s Journey– Sonia Nazario
Emergence: Labeled Autistic – Temple Grandin
Emma– Jane Austen
Encyclopedia of the Cat– Bruce Fogle
End of the Game, The– Peter Beard
Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card
Enslaved by Ducks– Bob Tarte
Episode of Sparrows, An– Rumer Godden
Eragon – Christopher Paolini
Esbae– Linda Haldeman
Escape– Carolyn Jessop
Escape, The (Animorphs #15) – K. A. Applegate
Escape from the Forest– Dan Jolley
Esperanza Rising– Pam Muñoz Ryan
Essential Calvin and Hobbes– Bill Watterson
Eucalyptus– Murray Bail
Eva– Peter Dickinson
Every Pregnant Woman’s Guide to Premature Birth– Luke
Everyday Blessings– Myla Kabat-Zinn
Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities)– Shannon Messenger
Exotic Aquarium Fishes– William T. Innes
Exotic Garden, The– Richard Iversen
Expecting Adam – Martha Beck
The Experiment (Animorphs #28) – K.A. Applegate
The Exposed (Animorphs #27) – K.A. Applegate
Extraordinary Chickens – Stephen Green-Armytage
The Extreme (Animorphs #25) – K.A. Applegate
Eye of the Albatross – Carl Safina
Eye of the Elephant– Mark and Delia Owens
Eye of the Heron– Ursula K. LeGuin