Month: February 2008

A True Story
by Judith Moore

I think this book speaks best for itself: \”This will not be a book about how I had an eating disorder and how I conquered this disorder… This is not about the need for acceptance of fat people… I will not write here about fat people I have known and I will not interview fat people. All I will do here is tell my story…. I mistrust real-life stories that conclude on a triumphant note… This is a story about an unhappy fat girl who became a fat woman who was happy and unhappy.\”

There you have it. A rather depressing memoir written by an overweight woman. She had a distressing, painful childhood: parents divorced, father missing, relatives who were emotionally abusive. She found comfort in and was obsessed with food. Half the book seems to be either talking about food or describing food. The other half is about how terrible she felt about herself, how awful other people treated her and vivid, prolific negative descriptions of being overweight- sensory, olfactory, visual disgust with her body. The overall impression I came away with was that she was starved for love, and full of self-loathing. I found it dismaying that there was no real conclusion to the story: she didn\’t seem to learn to love herself, forgive her family, or overcome her weight problem. I felt no positive gain from reading Fat Girl, although I can\’t complain because the author laid it out for me in the beginning. It\’s just sad and unhappy. Not even much humor or insight to lighten the load. Yet in spite of that, I couldn\’t put the book down! It was riveting, in the way that staring at a car accident may be.

Rating: 3/5                       Published 2005, 196 pages

by Anna Sewell

Although this classic is now commonly thought of as a children’s story, I don’t believe that was its original intention. Anna Sewell wrote it in order to bring to light the conditions horses lived in when they were as widely used for transportation as cars are today. I suppose you could call her one of the earliest animal-rights activists. She wanted to promote kindness to animals (and between people) and do away with the use of checkreins, which forcibly held a horses’ head high, often damaging their necks; and other cruel practices such docking horses’ tails. Through telling the story of one horse’s life, Sewell demonstrated how kind, indifferent or cruel treatment affected a horse’s health, soundness and well-being. She even showed how ignorant owners could harm their animals unintentionally. Black Beauty traded hands often, living in turns on a farm, on a rich estate as a carriage horse, in the city pulling a London cab, in a “rental” stable hired out for day use, hauling delivery carts for a butcher, etc. His equine acquaintances even share experiences as a mount in the military, a children’s pet pony, and racing in steeplechases.

I’ve read this book many times. Recently I found a beautiful copy at the public library, the Viking Whole Story for Young Readers edition, 2000. In addition to containing lovely pen-and-ink illustrations by William Geldart, it has text, diagrams and miniature reproductions of gorgeous classical paintings in the margins. These give further explanations of things mentioned in the story which may have been common knowledge in Sewell’s day but aren’t now. I found it delightful and very informative. If you’re interested in reading Black Beauty to understand how horses were used in the 19th century, I would highly recommend this edition.

Rating: 4/5
206 pages, 1877

I don’t usually post about new acquisitions, but today was such a great day in terms of books I had to share with someone (that’s you readers) who could share in my bookish joy.

Do you ever get the hunch that there’s a special book out there somewhere waiting for you, you just have to go find it? I had an itch for book-hunting, so first I drove over to a local thrift store, where I got this pile of books for $7:

Then I spent a few hours at the Book Thing, and came away with this haul (all FREE!):

To top that off, when I got home I discovered that I won a contest on Powell’s and got $60 of credit (immediately spent on some long-wanted fantasy novels that complete my Barbara Hambly and Anne McCaffrey collections).

I also found that Cipriano mentioned me on his blog, Book Puddle, in a discussion about why we abandon books we’re reading. I felt very flattered and tickled pink at that! All in all, it was a wonderfully bookish day, I was quite happy and satiated. I won’t (I promised my husband) feel the need to go book-hunting again now for a month or two.

(If this post differs from what you see in Google Reader, or your comments are missing, it is because I accidentally deleted it, and re-wrote this post but it’s shorter, I don’t have time to list everything I wrote the first time. Sorry, I made a mistake, oops.)

by David Garnett

This story is about transformation and change. Like Franz Kafka\’s The Metamorphosis, in this surreal fantasy a person inexplicably becomes an animal, yet retaining their human mind and emotions. Unlike Kafka\’s book, where Gregor Samsa\’s change was met with disgust and repulsion by his family, sweet Sylvia Tebrick\’s husband still loves her strongly. After all, it\’s much easier to feel affection towards a fox than a large insect! When Sylvia suddenly becomes a fox, her husband sends away the household dogs and servants in an attempt to keep her condition secret. Sylvia the fox is at first distressed with her animal form, trying to walk upright, play cards, wear clothes like usual. But gradually, to the grief and dismay of her husband, she behaves more and more like a wild fox, until he can no longer keep her safely in the house. Sadly, the ending is inevitable and not very well disguised from the reader.

The strength of this book lies in its examination of emotional and psychological reactions to a sudden change in a loved one, which we have no power to halt or reverse. I\’ve read that at the time of its publication, it was appreciated by many British families of war veterans, who had to face living with a loved one turned stranger by disability or mental trauma. But I think it is highly applicable today: accidents, illness and any number of things can irrevocably alter a person beyond recognition. Lady Into Fox has a strongly mythical feeling, haunting like a dream that remains with you long after waking.

Out of print for a long time, this book was reprinted by McSweeney\’s in 2004, in a beautiful edition containing the original woodcut illustrations.

Rating: 4/5 …….. 78 pages, 1922

More opinions at:
Paperback Reader
Page 247
Savidge Reads
Fleur Fisher Reads
Fyrefly\’s Book Blog
Shelf Love

by Keri Hulme

There are three main figures in The Bone People. Kerewin, a reclusive New Zealand artist estranged from her family and her art. Joe, a Maori laborer with a terrible drinking problem. And Simon, a small, strangely mute child. Joe found Simon on the beach after a shipwreck and became his foster father. But he can\’t control Simon\’s wild, erratic behavior. The two troublemakers strike up a strange friendship with the aloof Kerewin, revolving around the mystery of Simon\’s origins and behavior. All three of them are terribly dysfunctional people in their own way, seeking healing and trying to find a sense of family together. When I first read the book, I assumed Simon was autistic. But it turns out that something entirely different is going on. I won\’t give that away, but I do have to warn that there are explicit scenes of abuse which shocked and saddened me; however by that point in the novel I felt sympathetic to the characters; they were so real I could still care about them and finish the story.

I had difficulty reading this book at first. It always came across nonsensical and I couldn\’t make it through the prologue. Then I skipped it and started on the first chapter. Much easier to read, and I was quickly enthralled with Hulme\’s use of language. The book is written in almost a stream of consciousness fashion, alternating between present and past tense. The words swing from vivid, poetic descriptions to the often crude, rough talk between people and exotic-sounding Maori phrases (short glossary included in the back). The style is so unique I think it is a book you will either love (myself) or hate (my husband). It is really a strange, beautiful, sad and amazing book. It won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1985. Not only does the story address grief, love, isolation, violence and redemption; it also deals with the conflict and meeting of Maori and European cultures. One of my very favorite books.

Rating: 5/5                366 pages, 1984

the Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh
edited by Irving Stone

Another book I quit part-way through. Dear Theo is a compilation of letters that Van Gogh wrote to his brother over the span of thirty years. Irving Stone edited them heavily, cutting what was at first 1,670 pages down to the still-massive 572 I attempted to read. But he didn\’t include any breaks between letters, so you have no idea where one missive ends and the next begins. And there are only a half-dozen pictures included. Every page seems to mention numerous drawings and paintings done by Van Gogh himself, or other artists he admired (most of whom I never heard of). I would have appreciated seeing more pictures of what he was talking about.

The book didn\’t reach the point where Van Gogh was actually painting until about page 170, then it began to get a little more interesting for me; I did like reading his thoughts on art and techniques, but there were just so many words to slog through to glean them. Perhaps it was the stiff syntax (he wasn\’t a writer, after all) but I just didn\’t enjoy it. The last time I had the book open, I actually fell asleep reading it, woke up hours later and didn\’t know what happened! I\’m usually conscious when I get too tired to continue reading and set a book aside. I think I would have done better to read a biography written by somebody else. Dear Theo, in my opinion, has merit as a reference book but not much else for me.

These are some things of interest I learned about Van Gogh from what I did manage to read (200 pages):

His father was a pastor; Van Gogh originally was studying for a position in the clergy, but failed to finish school.
He was in love with a cousin and wanted to marry her, but the family rebuffed him.
He was a reader, and especially like Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens.
At first he focused on drawing figures, and professed not to be a landscape artist (yet the paintings I know best of his are landscapes!)
He took in a pregnant unmarried woman off the streets, lived with her and the child for some time, and wanted to marry her.
He never could hold down a job, and was continually supported by Theo\’s money (even when the woman and child were living with him).
He was extremely prolific, drawing and painting continually (900 paintings and over 1,000 drawings in ten years).

Abandoned                 572 pages, 1937


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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