Month: April 2024

A Wallace the Brave Collection (2)

by Will Henry

Love the humor. It’s like a cross between Calvin and Hobbes and Charlie Brown, in my head. And the scrawly, very expressive artwork is great. Fun lively curling lines everywhere. So unique.

Amelia tries to start a food fight at school, the boys zombie out on video games, and Spud makes himself too welcome at Wallace’s house (when his friend isn’t home). Wallace demands attention from his mom at the beach- only the lady ignoring him is not his mom. The family waffles over what ice cream flavor to order, until the shop attendant gets annoyed. Wallace and his two friends go hunting for Sasquatch, eclipsing many pages. They find an old lava lamp in a box of giveaway junk. They are awed. Wallace is more concerned about the bee than his friend, when the latter steps on the former. He dares to get close to skunks, imagines sea monsters, and is enthralled by pinball machines. His mother borrows his comic book “to make sure it’s appropriate for children” and then laughingly threatens to give him spoilers! (This is so me and my kid). Wallace gets his head stuck in a pumpkin. The kids experience thrills on a tire swing. Wallace teases his dad for loving old records. The kids confront a giant snapping turtle, bike down the steepest hill in town, and imagine themselves in outer space. And more, so much more.

Borrowed from the public library. Completed on 4/8/24.

Rating: 3/5
176 pages, 2019

by Will Henry

Found this by chance browsing the library shelves. Enjoyed it so much I immediately requested all five of the series. This one will be forever fixed in my memory because my kid and I read it side-by-side (waiting for the other to finish before turning the page) while watching the solar eclipse. So now you know how far behind I am on typing up my reviews. We’d set a three-minute timer to view the sun with awe, then turn onto our bellies to read a handful of pages while taking a break- and repeat. On a blanket in a field. Both got a lot of chuckles out of this book.

It’s comics about this kid and his precocious little brother (I think– he speaks in complete sentences but gets carried around in a snugli thing, so not sure of the age), his best friend Spud, and a new girl in town who impresses the boys when on her first day at school she loudly announces she will lob a rock at a hornet’s nest- and does! They live in a small fishing village. Wacky little adventures, odd and sometimes disgusting kid interests, funny quips by the parents trying to tolerate all the mayhem. Really enjoyable. These kids climb onto roofs to see the view, dare each other to stick arms down a hole with an unknown occupant, fish for coins in a storm drain, sneak toys to school in their lunchbox, gift each other dead insects, throw mushy apples at tourists on the ferry, rescue a snake from the school bathroom, take flying leaps off the swing, and so much more. I loved the parents’ characterization just as much. Like when the mom realizes she enjoys comic books too (discovered because she had to read a few to check for violence or other objective material, before letting her kid have them) and then embarrasses Wallace by going to the comic store with him. Ha ha.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
176 pages, 2017

by Paru Itagaki

~~ can’t help it, this will have SPOILERS ~~

This volume doesn’t seem to have a lot of plot moving, because most of it is the big fight between Legoshi and Riz. The first few pages are Riz preparing for the battle by ditching all his strength-suppressing meds, and Legoshi giving himself pep talks. There’s more pages from Riz’ perspective, where you find out that he has some twisted idea that eating Tem was a way of showing his greatest love for his friend. By taking him into himself. That love turns into an all-consuming passion to possess and consume. In an ironic way, Legoshi comes to the same conclusion- but let me get to that. First, Louis has an epiphany about the nature of carnivores which makes him want to quit the lion gang, only they refuse to let him leave- and someone dies for it. Riz uses Pina to goad Legoshi into greater ferocity, and the wolf himself accepts a bloody sacrifice from a friend, knowing (from his little experiment with the insects) that it will enhance his strength. There’s an odd interlude in the middle of the battle where Legoshi willingly makes himself vulnerable, shocking the bear into calm, and they actually sit there having an honest conversation. Come to an understanding that they are far more alike than they’d realized. No telling who would have won or died from the battle, because police forces show up and apprehend them all.

The gang scenes and fighting and overall bloodiness in this book reminded me of that Nyankees series. I thought I wouldn’t like this volume, but the moral dilemmas and deeper look at issues of carnivory in this animal-populated world grabbed at me. Is it okay to consume flesh, if the other party is willing and consents? is that still a crime? Are the meat-eating animals all just vicious monsters barely keeping themselves contained, or struggling to live sanely in direct opposition to their true natures. I think a lot of the animals in Beastars are trying to answer these questions for themselves, too.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
200 pages, 2018

More opinions: Al’s Manga Blog
anyone else?

by Paru Itagaki

~~ yes, there’s probably SPOILERS in here ~~

Opens with more dark details of the black market- animals’ body parts being used for traditional medicine cures. Seeing that, Louis reflects on his place in the underbelly of the city, and finds himself actually relating to one of the lion gang members. In another scene, the panther who injured the anteater visits him in the hospital, full of regrets. Legoshi and the bear have a confrontation in public that starts to get heated, but the sheep Pina interrupts again. Legoshi resolves to have a fight to end things for good with Riz the bear. He’s never been able to bring himself to eat meat, but now he overcomes some of his qualms and eats live insects (which is a big deal, since he always had a fascination with bugs since childhood, one of his endearing traits). He makes quite a ritual out of it. Legoshi and Haru then have a talk- well really she sobs out her worries for Louis (while asserting that she definitely no longer has feelings for him) and Legoshi feels committed all over again to protect her and other herbivores. The he and Riz have a bloody fight, which gets interrupted by a janitor coming in. They plan a day to battle it out for good again- on the New Year’s eve. Then there’s an odd little segment where the Panda treats a completely expressionless Tibetan sand fox. I’m not sure what the point was? Riz threatens Pina, who makes a show of brushing off concerns, but is really frightened. There’s an odd rehersal scene where Pina seems to be contemplating his own death, not just acting. And even more unexpected are scenes where Legoshi disguises himself by cross dressing, so he can talk to Louis in the black market. Tells him he knows who the killer was, asks him to be present at their upcoming battle- Louis wants to refuse. And finds out about Legoshi’s mixed heritage, which is quite a shock.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
207 pages, 2018

More opinions: Al’s Manga Blog
anyone else?

made by Pomegranate ~ artist Pierre Auguste Renoir ~ 500 pieces

After the difficulties with that lovely cat, I didn’t really feel like puzzling for a while. This was a nice one to get back into it. Really enjoyable and relaxing to do. The reddish floor and wallpaper background and all that blue dress were a bit tricky, but not too hard. Nice to see the actual brushstrokes of the original painting, I often used that visual texture to place the pieces. Very few false fits. I like this puzzle brand, even though the piece shapes are very standard. The linen feel of the pieces and their sturdiness and all the fine art images are great. The 1,000- piece Pomegranates I’ve done before had quite small pieces, in contrast these felt quite large- I feel like the ideal would be a size in between, but no complaints otherwise!

Like the Peeping Toms, the picture here is so soft, the edges of the pieces themselves seem to stand out and almost overwhelm the image. But in this case it didn’t bother me much.

Completed size 18 x 26″.

a thrift store find

How to Garden Wiser as You Grow Older

by Sydney Eddison

I’ve been struggling to get back into gardening since my head injury. Just seem to lack the energy and interest for it. So even though my physical ability is not yet flagging, I though this book would be useful. It’s about how to simplify the work in the garden, to still be able to enjoy it even when time or capabilities have diminished. Each chapter has a focus with examples not only from the author’s own gardening experience, but also of various friends, who had different situations and solutions in their gardens. She discusses simplifying the garden by removing plants that are too demanding in their care needs, or prone to illness and just don’t look great all the time. This chapter had lots of recommendations for sturdy, attractive plants (and I’m in the same general area, the Northeast), so I made a long list of what sounded appealing, to look up more pictures and info later and see if any might work for me (I have so many such plant lists now). Most notably, she encourages removal of perennials to replace with shrubs that pretty much take care of themselves. And to have many, of the ones you like. (For me right now, that’s oakleaf hydrangea. I only have two, but I do love them!) Then the discussion turns to learning how to let go of the need for perfection, accepting a little bit of rumpled edges or disarray in places. And how to accept help in the garden work- which tasks are most useful to get extra hands with, how to find good people for it, and cost estimating- is it worth it to pay someone to assist you. Not only for the heavy labor like spreading new mulch in spring, but also- surprisingly- it might be getting help for things around the house, freeing you up to do the actual gardening yourself! In later chapters, she extols the usefulness and virtues of mulch, encourages us all to relax about lawn care, and details what it’s like to seriously downsize. Whether this means reducing the size of the cultivated garden itself, or moving to a smaller property altogether, as many people end up doing for financial reasons or because their family is suddenly smaller. Good advice all, and some I should seriously take- in particular, adding more evergreen shrubs to my yard I think. And this year I am just foregoing the vegetable garden altogether . . .

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
208 pages, 2010

by Paru Itagaki

~~ expect SPOILERS ~~

Wow things started moving quickly in this volume! In one of the very first scenes, a panther and smaller anteater scuffle- teasing? an argument? – and the anteater’s ARM GETS COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF. Apparently this happens often enough in this world that doctors have the skill to reattach limbs- the anteater is quickly rushed to a hospital and will be okay. The herbivore students are all wary and on edge again, but when an edict comes from the headmaster that the two types of students will be separated from now on, there’s an uproar of protest. Mostly because the new rule means all the integrated clubs will be disbanded (I don’t know why they couldn’t just have two of each club- one for herbivores, the other for carnivores- instead of canceling them all outright). Drama club (and all the others) continue to meet in secret, and Juno learns she’s going to have a lead role in an upcoming production. Meanwhile, Legoshi narrows down who was the murderer, and has a confrontation with a large bear, a fight it looks like he’s going to loose -and badly- except that Pina the gorgeous male sheep interrupts them. Legoshi owes Pina so much for that, he makes constant overtures and offers his protection. He’s still training with the Panda, strong enough to accost unwilling “patients” in the black market on his own. We learn of a tragedy in Legoshi’s past, and that he’s hiding a family secret. Tracking down some potential patients for Panda in the black market, Legoshi runs into Louis and finally learns what the red deer has been doing. He begs Louis to return to school, but the deer feels he’s in far too deep with the lion gang now. They have a (somewhat) honest conversation- even discussing Haru.

Then there’s a segment from the bear’s perspective, and we lear that the largest carnivores are obliged to take medication that dulls their strength. Flashbacks show how one bear became a close friend to the alpaca, felt calmer in his presence, and decided to quit his meds. Then then murder happened. To my surprise, Juno reinforces this idea that the large carnivores can’t control their desire to attack smaller animals. She meets with Haru- at first still enraged that the small rabbit continues to hold Legoshi’s affections. But when Juno draws closer to Haru on the garden club grounds, she feels that irresistible pull, so drawn by Haru’s smallness, her endearing cuteness (though Haru herself would be outraged to know of it!) that she can’t tell if her desire is to protect, or just grab and possess. She feels very strongly that the separation the school is enforcing will not only be good for the student body, but downright essential.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
209 pages, 2018

More opinions:
Keeping it In Canon
Al’s Manga Blog
anyone else?

by Paru Itagaki

  ~~ SPOILERS below ~~  biggest ones are in white text, hightlight to read

Main storyline in this volume is that Legoshi starts training with the Panda- he wants to gain strength and fighting skills to better defend his herbivore friends, especially Haru. But at the same time is trying to keep up his studies, so always exhausted. The Panda insists he has to eat meat to build muscle, which causes Legoshi a lot of inner conflict. Meanwhile in other scenes, Legoshi has an odd conversation with that new sheep guy Pina in drama club- who definitely likes being provocative- and I had a distinct sense that character was gay? but not sure. It’s unclear. It is clear that Legoshi gets super aggravated by Pina. We meet a female okapi (such a cool animal!) who works as a stripper in the seedy part of town. She meets Louis on the streets there- shocked to find another herbivore boldly roaming the dark alleys. Louis later confronts his father, who insists that he stay in school, and the younger deer pulls a gun on his own (well, adopted) father! Louis is prowling with his lion gang and glimpses Legoshi in the black market- and is surprised at how different he looks now- not only because he’s been working out, but also because he shaved his fur close-  everyone’s been commenting on it! Back at school, Legoshi tries to sleuth out who was the murderer, and Juno feels used by his close questioning (observers perceive their proximity as meaning something else, which makes her mad). The tiger demonstrates his superior strength by having a tug-of-war contest with the wolf, using only their jaws. Legoshi is shocked when he is easily bested. Panda shows the wolf some results of his work- “rehabilitating” carnivores that had been “addicted” to eating meat and driven to violence. Legoshi finally talks to Haru again, and poses a question that shocks her- and the reader! I almost dropped the book! Then at the end we find out that animals in this world also use social media, though it is dominated by the herbivores. There’s a scene where a big cat goes clothes shopping with a sheep, and they each learn a bit about what the other has to deal with. (The cheetah has to avoid most patterns, the sheep gets skin irritation by certain fabrics reacting to her wool). Except I got hung up on the species identity- because this was the character I’d assumed was a cheetah until others called her a leopard. Now the text used both identifiers. So which is she? or was this a problem with translation. It kept bugging me.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
208 pages, 2018

More opinions:
YA on My Mind
Al’s Manga Blog
anyone else?

by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm

Sunny’s older brother is trouble. She doesn’t really know what kind of trouble, because he’s hardly ever around and nobody talks about it openly. But his outbursts and reckless behavior disrupt family gatherings and cause Sunny embarrassment and even fear. Her summer plans are abruptly changed when she gets sent to Florida to stay with her grandfather. That’s exciting- until she finds out that he lives hours away from Disney World, in a retirement community with almost no other kids around. Looks like it might all be boring- until she meets Buzz, who introduces her to comic books. Together they read comics and argue about the merits of different characters, search for lost balls on the golf course to earn spare change, look for the all the neighbor ladies’ lost cats (not allowed but everyone seems to have one anyway), and avoid an alligator in the water! By the end of summer, some things are looking up, and Sunny even finds the courage to talk to her grandfather about some things that make her uncomfortable- both his behavior (hiding cigarettes, when he’s supposed to have quit smoking) and the awfully squeaky hide-a-bed couch she’s been sleeping on. She also learns what was really going on with her brother, and forgives herself for some needlessly-placed self guilt. This book looks so casual on the outside, but it actually deals with some tough subjects. I think I liked it even better than the sequel (which I read out of order).

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
220 pages, 2015

the Graphic Novel

by Madeline L'Engle, adapted by Hope Larson

The original, which I loved and re-read numerous times (but the last so long ago it isn’t featured on my blog yet) is among my favorite books. I was hesitant to read this version at first, because afraid it wouldn’t at all live up to my memories, or the pictures in my own head. Happy to say it was a good read. Different, and not everything quite depicted as I expected, but enough rang true to how I experienced the original that I liked it and didn’t feel slighted. All the dialog feels taken straight from the pages of the novel, and since the only text in this book is dialog, that made it feel perfectly full of quotes. All the good ones, too. I’m sure something was left out, but I couldn’t tell what. I wasn’t terribly keen on the artwork style, it was rather plain, but I did like that color shifts made it easy to tell when the characters were talking about or remembering the past- very helpful. Charles Wallace with his big baby blue eyes, innocent face and sophisticated way of talking, Calvin looked just like I’d imagined. A few parts felt too brief, a few drawings a bit goofy but overall I’m so glad I read it, it’s so very heartwarming through all the frustrations and fears the characters face.

I suppose now I have to tell you what the actual story is, in case you don’t know (and I really didn’t like the film version, by the way. Don’t know why that didn’t sit well with me, but I never even tried to watch it, after seeing a trailer). Meg belongs to a rather odd family: her parents are scientists, her little brother Charles Wallace brilliantly precocious (and with something of a sixth sense for how people are feeling) and her in-the-middle twin brothers so ordinary and pleasant they’re nearly perfect. She herself feels out of sorts and is often frustrated by her personal flaws, and the criticism the community seems to latch onto her family. Especially since her father went missing- rumors go around that he left the family, the mother knows better (he went off on a secret scientific mission and hasn’t returned). Things start to change when Meg meets a very nice boy her age who lives nearby- and thinks her family is just awesome. Charles Wallace meets some strange old ladies staying in an abandoned house in the woods, and it turns out they have otherworldly abilities. They are kind and generous, and take Meg, her little brother and her new friend Calvin on a strange journey through time and space to confront a horrible evil entity that is making things lifeless- and also possibly to find her father. I can’t really explain more than that, because part of the joy in this novel is the weird discovery of what happens. But it’s more than just an odd blend of fantasy, science, and what some might call a New Age feel. It’s about finding yourself, embracing your faults (which might turn out to be inner strengths) and just overall standing up for and being good.

I really wish I could write more eloquently about this right now. However I do feel spurred by this to read the original (off my own shelf) again soon, and then I will find more words.

Caveat: after reading some other readers’ reviews, I realize this might not read well for people who aren’t familiar with the original. So much of the context is gone, if you only get simple pictures and dialog. My head didn’t have to fill in any blanks, because I had them all stored in memory, but I can well imagine that for a lot of readers new to this story, they might not have any idea what the heck is going on at times. Due to the mystical and unexplained events, phenomena and strange beings encountered. I still liked it though. But I do prefer the novel.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 4/5
392 pages, 2012


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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