~~ expect SPOILERS ~~
Wow things started moving quickly in this volume! In one of the very first scenes, a panther and smaller anteater scuffle- teasing? an argument? – and the anteater’s ARM GETS COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF. Apparently this happens often enough in this world that doctors have the skill to reattach limbs- the anteater is quickly rushed to a hospital and will be okay. The herbivore students are all wary and on edge again, but when an edict comes from the headmaster that the two types of students will be separated from now on, there’s an uproar of protest. Mostly because the new rule means all the integrated clubs will be disbanded (I don’t know why they couldn’t just have two of each club- one for herbivores, the other for carnivores- instead of canceling them all outright). Drama club (and all the others) continue to meet in secret, and Juno learns she’s going to have a lead role in an upcoming production. Meanwhile, Legoshi narrows down who was the murderer, and has a confrontation with a large bear, a fight it looks like he’s going to loose -and badly- except that Pina the gorgeous male sheep interrupts them. Legoshi owes Pina so much for that, he makes constant overtures and offers his protection. He’s still training with the Panda, strong enough to accost unwilling “patients” in the black market on his own. We learn of a tragedy in Legoshi’s past, and that he’s hiding a family secret. Tracking down some potential patients for Panda in the black market, Legoshi runs into Louis and finally learns what the red deer has been doing. He begs Louis to return to school, but the deer feels he’s in far too deep with the lion gang now. They have a (somewhat) honest conversation- even discussing Haru.
Then there’s a segment from the bear’s perspective, and we lear that the largest carnivores are obliged to take medication that dulls their strength. Flashbacks show how one bear became a close friend to the alpaca, felt calmer in his presence, and decided to quit his meds. Then then murder happened. To my surprise, Juno reinforces this idea that the large carnivores can’t control their desire to attack smaller animals. She meets with Haru- at first still enraged that the small rabbit continues to hold Legoshi’s affections. But when Juno draws closer to Haru on the garden club grounds, she feels that irresistible pull, so drawn by Haru’s smallness, her endearing cuteness (though Haru herself would be outraged to know of it!) that she can’t tell if her desire is to protect, or just grab and possess. She feels very strongly that the separation the school is enforcing will not only be good for the student body, but downright essential.
Borrowed from the public library.