Tag: Juvenile Nonfic

by Sy Montgomery

The kind of book I used to love, but hard to enjoy because felt like it took me so long to get through, and took effort to stay focused (sigh). It’s about a safari trip that the author took with her good friend (also an author) Elizabeth Marshall Thomas and renowned researcher Dr. Richard Estes- leading expert on wildebeest- and several other people, across the African Serengeti to see the wildebeest migration. Lots of other animals too. It took them quite a while to find the actual migration. They would come across smaller groups of wildebeest here and there, or the tail end of the herds- injured animals and lost calves- but finally near the end of the book encountered the masses of animals that reached from horizon to horizon. It sounds stunning.
Most of the book is about their travels through the bush, describing the work of locals to support and protect wildlife (a huge effort underway removing wire snares), encounters with tourist vehicles (Estes grousing that they’re always stopped to look at lions- which inevitably are doing nothing but lying around- when he thinks that wildebeest and their fellow herbivores like zebras and impalas, are much more interesting), mishaps when their car breaks down, sightings of other species (hyraxes, cheetah, many kinds of vultures, dik-dik, leopards and more) and explanations about the behavior they witness. Which was all very interesting! There’s also interspersed many pages about other animal migrations- from monarch butterflies and arctic terns to sea turtles and zooplankton in the ocean.
The photographs are great, and take up a lot of page space. Which made this a slightly easier read for me.
Borrowed from the public library.
Rating: 3/5
162 pages, 2019

by Tamara MacFarlane

Kind of odd to me that a book about dragons, a mythological, made-up creature, is shelved among nonfiction. I picked this one up browsing, and felt like I was reading it in bed at night just because I was bored. Eh. Most of the illustrations are bright and lively, some looked a bit awkward with the dragon anatomy (legs). I was surprised at how many different concepts of dragons there were, from around the world, that I had never heard of. Each country has its own idea and legends about the appearance, temperament, physical characteristics and magical abilities (or not) that dragons have. These are all just mentioned in brief here, but there are also a few stories in the book (I recognized the one about Merlin as a young boy, declaring there were two warring dragons, red and white, under a tower that kept falling down during construction. This was a different version). Some of the dragon ideas are pretty intriguing, or downright weird.

There’s knuckers- from old legends in Sussex, about serpent dragons that live in deep wells called knuckerholes (another new term for me). Zmaj and other dragon iterations from Eastern Eurpoe, that are humanlike in form with a dragon shape or serpent tail from the waist down (no legs but they fly). Amaru- a South American dragon from Inca lore that’s supposed to have two heads, one of a leopard and the other of an eagle. Sometimes one head is a goat or a llama. I’d heard of multi-headed dragons before (especially the hydra), but not of ones with other animals’ heads. There’s a marsupial dragon myth from Australia (of course). And the cute little dainty fairy dragon, which this book says is the size of a hummingbird and looks like a gecko with butterfly wings- mischievous in nature- but all the examples that I found online had images of cat-sized dragons looking more like traditional European ones (long-necked with pointy-snouted heads) and were a D&D creature. Interesting.

I liked that the book also had a few pages showing examples of real-life animals that have abilities attributed to dragons. An insect that can blast caustic liquid in defense (bombardier beetle). Treasure-hoarding in the bower bird (I also thought of crows and pack rats). A ‘flying’ snake that can glide through the air, leaping from one tree to another across a distance (I’ve seen this on film, it’s very cool). And examples of winged flight without feathers- in bats and pterodactyls.

There’s also a double-page spread showing how to draw a basic dragon, step-by-step. I’m sure this book is far more appealing to kids than it was to me!

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
80 pages, 2021

illustrated by Ed Young

by Eleanor Coerr

Picked this one up browsing the library stacks. As soon as I started reading it, I recognized it- I’d heard some parts of it before. It’s based on a true story, about a young girl in Japan who fell ill with leukemia, ten years after the Hiroshima bomb. She had to set aside her dreams of being a track running star, and just focus to trying to get well in the hospital. Her friends and family try to support and encourage her, but she meets another kid in the hospital who dies while she is there. She knows there is little hope. Her friend brings her paper and teaches her how to fold paper cranes. There is a legend that if someone folds a hundred paper cranes, they’ll be blessed and receive a wish (in this case, to recover). She starts folding paper cranes. Makes over six hundred before she passes away. Friends, classmates and family, moved by her efforts, fold the remaining three hundred-some cranes so she can be buried with a thousand of them. Her story spreads through the country, inspiring many, and a statue is built in her memory, expressing her wish for peace, placed in Hiroshima Peace Park. It is of her figure, holding up a giant folded crane. You can find images of it online. This story was very moving and made me feel quite sad. The pastel artwork is gentle and dim (dark hues, muted tones) at the same time- it fit the narrative very well, I thought.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
52 pages, 1993

More opinions: Children’s War Books
anyone else?

the Greater World of Sports

by Martha London

Was I ever surprised by this book. Quidditch is a real-life sport apparently. Made up by some college students in 2005, as close to the Harry Potter game as they could get it. It’s casually called Muggle Quidditch, ha. Played by over 8,000 people worldwide, with organized teams with uniforms and everything. Of course they can’t fly and there’s no magic, but they have to hang onto a short broomstick (often token, no brush) between their legs at all times. The goals were first made with hula hoops, now PVC pipe is more common. There’s a volleyball for the quaffle and dodgeballs for the bludgers, which are thrown to knock players from their brooms. One player dressed in bright yellow runs around being the snitch. It all sounds kind of silly to me, but from the expressions on the faces of players in the photos, they take it quite seriously! and the spectators and fans often dress up as if in role play.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
32 pages, 2020

the Greater World of Sports

by Michael Decker

What do you know- apparently dodgeball is considered a sport, with uniformed teams, organized leagues and everything. (Least amount of equipment ever, the book points out more than once- all you need is a ball!) It’s been played since the early 1900’s and has more rules than I realized- most of which, if they’d been enforced in games at my elementary school, would have made it more fun. I thought back then it was some awful game made up by sadistic gym teachers- or playground bullies- and was constantly afraid of getting hit in the head by a ball. (Most teams have rules against throws aimed at an opponent’s head). There’s even some universities that have dodgeball teams- and one, in 2012, organized the world’s largest dodgeball game ever- on a field with more than 6,000 participants. The number of balls in play were not recorded. The photograph of the event is crazy! Rubber spheres flying everywhere. How anyone kept track of who missed or scored in that game is a mystery to me. Maybe it was one more lax on the rules. Also impressive- this slender book has an comprehensive little index. Arguably not really needed, but better done than a lot of other nonfiction books I’ve seen.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
32 pages, 2020

the Greater World of Sports

by Martha London

After I get through the kids’ and juvenile fiction books about just having fun on roller skates, all the books that are YA or adult seem to be about roller derby teams. So I figured I ought to know the basics. I’ve seen a few films about roller derby, and the action is so fast it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on and I didn’t quite get it. Well, now I do- it’s pretty simple actually. This book outlines the basic rules of play, and tells about the history of the sport. It used to be more of a race, and played on banked tracks (now most leagues use flat tracks). And in the 40’s when women’s roller derby was popular on television, they were pretty rough- fights were the norm! So it was fun to learn a bit more, even though I have no intention myself of playing roller derby. I have to say though, I was instantly jealous when on the first pages I read about a junior girls’ league that practices in Seattle in a big empty warehouse. How I’d love to have access to that kind of space! (Nearest roller rink to me is a forty minute drive- a bit much to go multiple times per week). That junior league wasn’t around when I was a kid (started in 2007) and I doubt I would have had the interest back then, but still!

This book is from a juvenile non-fiction series that aims to inform about sports that are “just a bit outside the mainstream” including, on their list of other titles- dodgeball, ultimate frisbee and quidditch. Well, now I’m curious about that too (who actually plays it IRL?)

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
32 pages, 2020

by Judy Ann Sadler

So- during a recent recovery period, I found some much-needed relaxation soaking in long baths with a candle or two at the side. I actually used up all my youngest’s small candles, and feeling a tad guilty about that, I simply made more. It’s surprisingly easy and more fun than I expected. Since then I’ve been collecting interesting small glass containers from thrift stores, and old partly-used candles to melt down, plus saving the drippings from the new ones I acquire. Learned pretty quick that I prefer soy and beeswax candles over anything with paraffin (which gives me headaches). It was really pleasing the week before, to sit in a bath with a row of small candles I’d made myself– thinking: those are here because I did something. (Yeah, I have not been very productive with anything of late, but am getting back to normal activity levels now). I got a bit more ambitious with plans for my next bout of candle-making, but figured I could use some guidance, and I still get fatigue from looking at screens for long periods of time, or I’d readily do a deep dive into candle-making forums (I’m sure they exist).

Instead I tried to find some books at my library on the subject. Surprised that in the entire catalog, there were only three or four books on candle making. Is it really that simple (or unpopular) that nobody’s interested in craft books about it? There’s dozens and dozens of books on cooking, quilt making, paper crafts, woodworking, you name it. I was just a bit disappointed. Well, here’s the first one I read- aimed at kids so yes, it’s very simple and easy to read. It’s an older book. Some of the craft ideas are really fun, like putting a red or pink candle in a white container painted with black spots (think cow, ha ha) or wrapping different colors of beeswax sheets cut in shapes to make a flower, a lighthouse, etc. Others just looked a bit clunky or tacky to me, and a few of the ideas seemed – unsafe? I don’t know, but other places I read briefly online said never to use a clay pot as a candle holder, never to decorate the outside with anything flammable (paper, felt, leaves) as this book suggests.

But I did find a lot of the other instructions and ideas useful, and some should have been obvious to me at the start! Like to put waxed paper down on your work surface or under any container you’re using as a candle mold- drips will easily lift off once cool. Or pour into things like empty cartons to make pillar candles. I really liked the idea of a twisted taper candle, even though I previously never considered trying to make dip candles at all. So I’m going to copy down instructions for a few of the crafts in here, ignore the rest, and hope for more precise details in the other book I checked out, which is written for adults. (There’s things I want to know that this book just doesn’t address at all. I’m sure I can find the info online, but I find it easier to process looking at paper in hand, than turning on a screen all the time).

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
40 pages, 1988

the Story of a Baby Woodchuck

by Faith McNulty

Very short little book about how the author found an orphaned woodchuck and cared for it. She raised it in her house, then moved it to a hole outside by a stone wall on the property, then eventually had to trap and relocate it further away because it kept coming back for handouts! Getting the woodchuck to find and eat wild foods on its own seemed the hardest part. I often see woodchucks in the roadside verges here, and thought of them as just big fat ground squirrels. Which they are. But it was nice to learn a little more about them, and reflect on how beautiful the author eventually found them to be, in their own way. The middle of the book switches from the personal story about this one woodchuck, to share information the author learned via her library research, then it goes back to tell how the woodchuck was finally returned to the wild. The illustrations by Darby Morrell are just exquisite.

Rating: 3/5
40 pages, 1992

by Charise Mericle Harper

Another graphic novel memoir. This one has a very clear focus: sibling relationships and rivalry. Older sister is of course, jealous of her baby brother as a new arrival. When he gets older she finds out what fun it is to play together- and to play tricks on him. Get him into trouble. Come up with new, creative ways to take risks, and carry the game as far as she can, until someone gets hurt. Which was usually her younger brother, though some neighborhood kids got into frays as well. Reminds me a lot of my own childhood, from the taunting of sisters who repeated every word you said, to finding new thrilling ways to catapult yourself onto couch cushions. Sometimes the older sister in this story carries her pranks a bit too far, as when she tricks her little brother into eating cat kibble, or actually provokes the cat into scratching someone. When her brother breaks a tooth in a fall, remorse finally hits her hard, compounded by her brother’s own easy forgiveness. She determines to become a better person, following the example of – who else, really- her younger brother. I wasn’t really keen on the illustration style in this book, but the story really got to me. It’s such an honest depiction of siblings. The arc of character development is very clear and so good to see how with a bit of effort, people can change. And the author was honest about the root of some of her struggles- she could not recognize faces, had difficulty understanding meaning when people used idioms or non-lieteral phrases it made me wonder if perhaps she was a bit on the autism spectrum? or just had face blindness (which Oliver Sacks had, I only recently learned that from his memoir).

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
236 pages, 2021

Sharing Our Urban World

by Ann Downer

I didn’t realize when I picked this book from a recommended list, that it was juvenile non-fiction. I liked it anyway. It’s about wildlife in cities. Why wild animals are becoming more common in urban areas, why that’s a problem, and what people are doing about it. The book tells about raccoons, black bears, cougars, sea turtles, crows, bats, coyotes and alligators in particular, but also mentions some other species. Details why exactly certain animals start to inundate cities. Some are very adaptable, having a broad diet, ease in finding their way around or making do with different kinds of living space. Some have developed a very short flight distance, being unafraid of people. And others are simply forced into close contact with people because of habitat overlapping or being lost- in particular the flying foxes in Sydney Australia and loggerhead turtles in Florida. I thought that most of the animals mentioned would be numerous- and that’s the case for many, but not all. Deer, raccoons and coyotes are in no danger of disappearing soon. But the flying foxes and sea turtles are. It’s troubling to read about how difficult we’ve made it for animals to live in the world, but also encouraging to see how people are solving the issues in many places. Making greener spaces. Discouraging animals from living off garbage, while leaving them alone to live their lives otherwise. Building wildlife bridges or tunnels so they can safely cross highways. I learned quite a few new things- didn’t know before that jungle crows are such a problem in Tokyo (one stopped a bullet train for several hours when its nest on a power station caused an electrical shortage!) I didn’t know that crows are afraid of bees- the city encouraged urban beekeeping as a way to discourage crow numbers. I had no idea that some bat guano is purple- I’m guessing from the fruit they eat. Fun read with a lot of information, and just the right balance of detail for kids (I think).

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
64 pages, 2014


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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