Was I ever surprised by this book. Quidditch is a real-life sport apparently. Made up by some college students in 2005, as close to the Harry Potter game as they could get it. It’s casually called Muggle Quidditch, ha. Played by over 8,000 people worldwide, with organized teams with uniforms and everything. Of course they can’t fly and there’s no magic, but they have to hang onto a short broomstick (often token, no brush) between their legs at all times. The goals were first made with hula hoops, now PVC pipe is more common. There’s a volleyball for the quaffle and dodgeballs for the bludgers, which are thrown to knock players from their brooms. One player dressed in bright yellow runs around being the snitch. It all sounds kind of silly to me, but from the expressions on the faces of players in the photos, they take it quite seriously! and the spectators and fans often dress up as if in role play.
Borrowed from the public library.
2 Responses
I’ve heard Quidditch was really played by people! I’d like to see a game (and dressing up in a costume to watch could be fun), but I wouldn’t want to play. I’d end up tripping myself on the “broom”.
Looks like it makes it all that more tricky, running around having to hang onto that all the time!