Month: January 2020

by K.A. Applegate

Another good one! Like The Andalite Chronicles, it fills in a ton of backstory about the Yeerks invading Earth. This one jumps around between the present narrative and the past, because it\’s Visser One being on trial for multiple counts of treason, and having to explain herself- recounting how the Yeerk Edriss first discovered Earth and realized humans might make good host species, how they took their first hosts to explore the possibilities and learn about humans, how the Sharing was initially set up, how Edriss and her companion Yeerk went through several different hosts until Edriss ended up in Marco\’s mom, and so on. Half of this is Edriss simply telling it, the other half is \”memory transfers\” where everyone gets to view exactly what went on, revealing some details Edriss would have rather kept secret. All the time Visser Three is there- goading her and spouting anger and at risk of being put on trial himself, as Visser One takes every opportunity to point out his mistakes. At one point someone dumps a tiger and a bear into the group- as a distraction?- to make them think it\’s the Animorphs but later someone let the actual Animorphs know where they are and they face a real attack. It was actually cool to see the Animorphs through their enemies\’ eyes. Also to see how humans appeared to them- kind of a character study on the human race. As in The Departure, this one lets the reader see things from the other side, making Visser One not exactly sympathetic, but definitely more of a gray character- you can see why she was driven to do the things she did, but she readily displays her ruthlessness- for all she appears to have developed fond feelings for humankind (living among them in disguise for over a year before any more Yeerks came to Earth), she has no qualms about killing children to meet her ends (and that\’s just one example). Visser Three, on the other hand, remains thoroughly himself the whole time in this book- angry and blustering and bloodthirsty. Not one of the funnier books, but definitely intriguing and laid a lot of things out. Incidentally it was difficult at some points to tell who was talking, or who could hear whom using thought-speak though, when the narrating Visser One was communicating with her host or someone else, or they were in one of the memory replays- but I skimmed past some of that muddle regardless. As a trial it\’s all one huge farce, because in the end the Vissers evade the death penalty and carry on- with some warnings is all. If you\’re interested, do check out some of the other reviews I linked to below. Some of them go into a lot more detail than I cover here.

Rating: 4/5                      220 pages, 1999

more opinions:
Arkham Reviews
Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tales
the Library Ladies

Total books read- 117
Fiction- 56
Non-fiction- 61

fiction breakdown
Fantasy/Sci-Fi- 28
J Fiction- 32
Animals- 31
Historical- 1

non-fiction breakdown
Gardening/Food- 9
J Nonfiction- 2
Memoirs- 15
Nature- 15
Animals- 42
Medical- 6
Travel/Adventure- 8

other formats
Short Stories- 5
E-Books- 9

Owned- 72
Public Library- 43
Borrowed from friend/relative- 3
Received from publisher/author- 2

re-reads- 2
abandoned books- 7
Notes: the numbers don\’t add up perfectly, as always, because some titles fit in more than one category. How did I do this year? Well, trying to finish the Animorphs series really added to my numbers of animal, juvenile fiction and sci-fi. Because they\’re so short. Didn\’t read any classics or graphic novels this year- must get back to some of those because I do like them. Balance of reading owned/borrowed books and fiction/nonfiction is roughly equal, which satisfies me.

Travels I made in the pages (not counting alien worlds in the Animorphs) : Belize, Madagascar, the Congo, Botswana, Zambia, Mauritius, Tibet, England, Liberia and Tanzania.

Favorite books: Bringing Nature Home– very inspirational for a gardener like me. Eating Animals– this one made me a lot more conscious of food choices, and prompted my husband to buy our meat from a local farm (an hour drive). We eat less of it now, too. Animal Wise was another really good one- lots of specific studies on thinking processes. The Last Wild Wolves was just beautiful, and informative. Jaguar is another very good one- exactly the kind of writing I like about field studies, natural history and foreign places. In fiction, I really liked White Dog Fell From the Sky subtle yet intense is a good word. There\’s convincing talking animals in a prehistoric setting and very good characterization in Darkwing. Another favorite book for me was Indian Saddle-Up– an older, dated novel but just a very well-told engaging story. And finally, People of the Sky is a sci-fi novel I have simply not been able to get out of my head. It was just fascinating.

Animorphs #35

by K.A. Applegate
This was one of the light ones. Stupid, ridiculous and pointless maybe, but funny as heck. The Animorphs find out that some famous guy is using his television presence to promote the Sharing- which could of course rope tons more innocent humans into being Yeerks, so they have to stop him. They use squirrel morphs (which sounded fun, I wish they\’d spent more time as squirrels) to sneak into his mansion, and then morph cockatiels to fly around undetected, as the guy has a huge bird collection he lets free roam his house. I liked that it was difficult for them to actually put their hands on the birds in order to acquire them- that\’s pretty realistic. (Side note: I thought surely cockateils don\’t say \”twooit\” but I looked up a video of one screaming and yeah, they do kind of sound like that!) So they find out this guy is kind of unhinged but keeps his cover by pretending to be kind and love animals, as the human host does. They decide to use animal morphs to antagonize him in public so people will see him acting violently towards animals and it will ruin his image. All kinds of ridiculous hijinks ensue. Of course half the plans go wrong. Especially because Marco is suffering from extreme stress- not only due to the ongoing alien warfare but also because his father is dating a woman without realizing Marco\’s mother might still be alive. So now Marco randomly looses control of his morphs, becoming a meld of two animals at once- the spider/skunk one was pretty alarming- and he doesn\’t tell his friends about it at first. They all find out pretty quick, though. In the end, Marco morphs his father\’s girlfriend\’s poodle (which he detests) and uses it to continually harass the guy until he goes berserk in the tv studio, they catch it on live film and success! but only just barely managing to avoid blowing their own cover, of course. Through all this, Cassie shows a lot of compassion towards Marco trying to help him talk through his angst about his father\’s situation, and about the war in general- she\’s got some pretty levelheaded advice, too. Don\’t dwell on what should or shouldn\’t have happened in the past. Deal with what\’s happening right now. Although all her talking doesn\’t really help- it\’s Jake yelling at Marco to pull himself together that does it at the end.
Incidentally, I found out how long it actually takes me to read a 150 page book when I am completely uninterrupted (on a long flight): just about three hours.
Rating: 3/5                 147 pages, 1999
more opinions:

Animorphs #34
by K.A. Applegate

This was one of the better Animorphs books for me. I really liked all the ethical and morality questions it raised. It starts with a dash of humor- Cassie and Rachel using animal morphs to sneak into a teacher\’s house and retrieve a piece of homework that had \”Cassie loves Jake\” doodled on it, haha. Then a Hork-Bajir shows up: the free Hork-Bajir in the hidden valley have been approached by the last surviving Arn, that species that invented the Hork-Bajir so long ago. He wants their help to use DNA samples from the Hork-Bajir to create more of them to fight the Yeerks, and also to find a cache of weapons on the Hork-Bajir home planet. The Animorphs are brought in as consultants because the Hork-Bajir with their lesser intelligence don\’t understand all the implications. Winds up that they all travel back to that planet to find the weapons, but first they have to get the spirit of Aldrea- whose memory and personality was \”backed up\” or saved in some kind of device- because only she knows where the cache might be. This is weird and corny, but after Aldrea enters someone\’s mind- happens she chooses Cassie- it gets really interesting. Some other reviewers refer to this as the book where Cassie is possessed by an alien ghost, but I didn\’t see it that way at all. Once Aldrea was sharing Cassie\’s body, it was far more reminiscent of how the Yeerks take over their hosts- a fact which the Animorphs did not miss. Cassie actually struggles as Aldrea tries to wrest some control from her- because she has her own ideas, of course. There\’s some really interesting interactions between Aldrea and Ax- both being Andalites after all- Ax can\’t help looking down on Aldrea for her choices, they both have a huge helping of arrogance about everything, and Ax scorns Aldrea for her connections to Seerow (who first gave the Yeerks superior knowledge they weren\’t ready to handle) but Aldrea points out that Elfangor did the exact same thing to the human teenagers, so who\’s judging? Aside from all that, there\’s this impossible mission they have to pull off because the weapons cache is under a Yeerk pool, Aldrea is horrified to see how her home planet has been ravaged by the Yeerks, and Toby (the Horjk-Bajir who came to get help) sees her ancestral home planet for the first time, then doesn\’t want to return to Earth. The morphing scenes were crazy. Cassie\’s ability with this really shines, and Aldrea\’s admiration for it (and moment of shock at how the Animorphs are actually utilizing the morphing technology to thwart the Yeerks) is really something, coming from the race that invented it. Lots of heavy stuff. I liked it.

This one seems to be a continuation of The Hork-Bajir Chronicles. Had a copy of this on my e-reader.

Rating: 4/5              141 pages, 1999

more opinions:
the Library Ladies


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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