Tag: Animals Fiction

Vol. 4

by Konomi Wagata

Next in that manga series about the boy who got hit by a car, switched bodies with a cat. Still has the rehash of the incident at the start of every chapter, but now it’s just a page or less, so not as annoying. Somehow, this volume wasn’t quite as amusing to me. Cute, but the jokes not so funny. Maybe I’m not in the right mood. Then again, there were a few stand-alone pages at the back I assume were supposed to be jokes, which I did not get at all. It must be a cultural thing that didn’t translate well.

Most of this volume is just everyday life, mundane little things. The boy-as-cat runs afoul of some mean boys on the street which makes him nervous, but then gets chased by street cats, who are much nastier. He tries to help his gawky girl find her misplaced cell phone (by posing with it and meowing) and then she is so startled by his cuteness, she drops it (damage). He decides he should be useful to her by protecting the household (in lieu of a guard dog) but can’t do that very well, so resorts to his former role of being “a healing presence”. Chika gushes over photos of cats posing in drawers on her phone, so he tries to do the same, with mishaps (being mortally embarrassed at opening her underwear drawer, and then getting accidentally shut inside a kitchen drawer). He tries to skip like a human, (to be seen in a cute pose) and is just clumsy. He tries to help a lost dog get found again. Through all this, musing constantly that he has to figure out how to become human again, while never really doing anything about it.

Then! in the final pages, he happens across a kid on the street- and it’s him. His boy self. Who just stares. Swats at dangling things on a shrub. Lies down suddenly on a public bench for a nap, and leaps up to grab at coins somebody drops. Another kid from school is there watching him and talks to him, but he doesn’t reply. Nyao-the-cat doesn’t get what’s going on, but I did- the boy- obviously- has the cat mind inside him. So he acts like a cat. Funny. And the volume ends there. Of course now it got interesting again, but my library doesn’t have any further volumes. I know there’s at least a fifth one.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
192 pages, 2016

Vol. 3

by Wataru Nadatani

Third in this cat manga series. I found this one just as amusing and cute as the others, maybe a little better in the storyline. Riko buys a new videogame and is eager to play it straight through to the end in as few days as possible. So she whittles her schedule down to bare essentials, cutting time wherever she can- especially with sleep. She had forgotten to reckon with Musubi though, who runs around the house at night and then steps on her head super early in the morning, disrupting her plan. Riko goes through her first experience trimming the cat’s claws, and then becomes convinced she needs to bathe him. Both experiences go differently than she’d expected! The cat’s viewpoint on his nail trimming was funny. Musubi looses his favorite ball behind furniture, which sends Riko on a search through the apartment for all the missing toys. (And then he immediately whacks it back into an inaccessible corner again). More gaming time. One scene made me chuckle: Riko is conversing with her fellow gamers in a chat, and Musubi walks across the keyboard, changing her message. Isn’t that exactly like a cat. Riko gets sick and stays in bed all day- playing video games, of course. (One that looks just like Minecraft, but of course has a different name). She has a weird dream where Musubi joins her in the game. Later, recovered and out shopping, she spies a new product- traditional style hat for cats. Even though she’s learned that cats don’t need, and usually don’t like, clothes, it’s too cute to pass up. She tries to get photos of Musubi in the hat, but he protests repeatedly. The final episode in the book is about a new toy Riko gets for her cat- a “kicking bear” the cat can grapple with on the floor. He goes at it so enthusiastically that the thing is soon torn. She attempts to sew it back up, with lamentable results. The cat’s viewpoint on this bit was funny, too. Throughout the whole narrative, Riko relates to everything by applying her gamer terms. I think it fit better in this volume, at least, I enjoyed it more for some reason.

Borrowed from the public library. I’m disappointed I can’t read the rest of these- the series has at least eight volumes, but their collection stops here. (I’m going to ask if they’ll acquire the rest. I like them, but not quite enough to want to buy the set).


Rating: 3/5
168 pages, 2019

Vol. 2

by Wataru Nadatani

These books are fairly simplistic, but quite cute and amusing if you are into gaming (or know people who are, like me). And sometimes you just want a nice, easy read.

Volume two picks up right where the first one left off, with Riko standing in shock at her desk while a co-worker muses aloud who could be the writer behind the cute tuxedo-cat’s social media account. She’s at first insulted that the other woman spies things in the background of the photos to criticize- a mess all over the place, leavings from takeout and video games scattered and stacked everywhere- but then hugely relieved when the assumption is made that this must indicate the cat is owned by a man. As if women aren’t gamers, ha.

She goes home to continue leveling up in her games, while learning more about what her cat needs. When the kitten (named Musubi) interferes with her screen time yet again, she finds a cat game it can swat at on a touchscreen, and then gets into trying to beat the cat at the game. There’s an unexpected visit from Riko’s sister, who is obsessed with earning “likes” on her social media account- and wants photo opportunities with Riko’s cat. Who hides. The sisters argue about some past friction between them, then Riko challenges her sibling to fight her in a videogame, and they dive into that.

Sister gone, she spends more days alone with her cat, then is upset one day after work to find that Musubi has grown enough to jump onto counters and other heights- constantly knocking some of her character figurines off a shelf. She has to figure out how to deal with that, pays another visit to the pet store, and ends up buying a cat tower setup for Musubi. Who of course continues to prefer climbing the curtains or sitting in the box (at least for a while). Riko looks at what other people post about their cats online, and momentarily is convinced she has to get clothes for her cat. She chats with the pet store employee more, and ends up invited to her house to see what that lady provides for her cats. Riko feels uncertain about this invitation, but is determined to scope out an expert’s “personal cat environment,” as she calls it. (The shop employee, for her part, likes talking to Riko but is still often baffled by her frequent use of videogame terminology). Riko is surprised during her visit to see all kinds of things she never dreamed were made for cats- cozy round cat beds, cat flaps in the door and a toy tunnel are all new to her. I share her astonishment at the catwalk up by the ceiling! Like in this house. She balks at all the excess of stuff, but agrees that her cat should probably have a collar with identifying tags. And the book wraps up with once again admiring the cat for his cuteness, even when he’s in the way (sleeping with his head on her remote).

The author used her own cat as a model for the drawings, and you can tell- the proportions, gestures and cat expressions are spot-on. Many of the chapters have a page or two at the end that show things from the cat’s viewpoint- these didn’t add much to the story for me, personally, but that’s not a big deal. I liked all the rest of it.

Rating: 3/5
176 pages, 2019

by Wataru Nadatani

Yet another cute cat manga series. This one is about a woman who works in an office, and is literally just there for the job. She does it efficiently and immediately goes home to dive into her favorite passtime- video gaming. Especially online role-playing games. She rarely socializes at work, doesn’t talk about her personal life, always refuses offers by co-workers to have drinks or go to events. Nobody knows her. They’re all shocked- herself included- when she spontaneously adopts a stray kitten found in the office parking lot. Riko doesn’t know anything about taking care of cats. It’s a steep learning curve. The kitten is adorable and energetic, and often interferes with her game time- whether distracting her, or actually stepping on buttons- sometimes loosing all the work she’s done. She finds it really frustrating, but can’t help herself falling in love with the kitten. Even starts taking photos of him and shares them online- and then is appalled to discover one of her co-workers follows her kitten’s social media account! I thought that was one of the funniest parts in the book. I don’t know why she didn’t tell them it was her cat, but maybe she’s just so used to keeping everything private, or was embarrassed at the “cat talk” she came up with to narrate the photos. It was also really odd when she started referring to things with gamer terminology in the pet store- I was right alongside that employee, baffled. Funny, though. Not much to the plot- it’s the two of them getting used to each other, daily life kind of thing. I’m not a gamer but my kids and my ex are, so I was familiar with aspects of Riko’s passion. This was a nice lighthearted read. And the drawings of the cat are very well done- especially his face and expressions.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
192 pages, 2019

by Susan Wilson

Surprised that I liked this book- honestly I thought it was going to be cheesy. Well, it was a little- towards the end- but for the most part, it was better than I expected. The constant theme of a surly teenager reluctant to have anything to do with her parent, and who rides horses, reminded me much of Riding Lessons and Flying Changes. But this book is about a dog. And a man, a powerful executive from unfortunate beginnings he’d prefer not to remember, pretty much built his life up from nothing and is proud of that. One day in a fit of arrogance and anger he strikes his secretary and gets charged with assault. In the ensuing lawsuit, he looses not only his multiple homes and most of his assets, but his wife and daughter, ending up seeing the latter only once a week. He’s ordered by the court to do community service at a homeless shelter. He finds the work there demeaning and unpleasant to say the least. Resentful and constantly defensive (in a just barely subtle way), until the dog comes into the picture. Then things slowly start to change.

The dog is a pit bull type that was raised in a cellar, trained to fight, and bears the scars, both mentally and physically. When animal cruelty investigators bust the place, he manages to escape and wanders the streets for a while until getting caught again and put in the shelter. Where he’s in the last cage of the row- fated to be euthanized (nobody thinks he can be rehabilitated or adopted out). But the two have an unexpected encounter, and the dog finds himself in this man’s care. Unlikely as it seems- the man lives in a small apartment and has never cared for a pet before- they gradually build a relationship. At first the ex-executive wants to hand the dog off to someone else, or return it to the shelter, but he soon realizes the dog doesn’t have any other options. And then when an opportunity does come to get rid of the dog, he finds he doesn’t want to anymore. He’s surprised to find himself attempting to communicate with Chance (as he eventually gets named), and even more surprised to find his teenage daughter thawing towards him, because of the dog. He starts to chat with some people he sees every day in the neighborhood, even make a few friends (with folks he never would have given more than a nod or glance, before). Chance just might bring more good into his life than anyone ever expected. And give him the ability to become a different person.

This story is really heartwarming. A bit cheesy, but not overwhelmingly so. It helped that things happened at a constrained pace, that seemed more realistic (no sudden overhaul of character, instant flip just because of the dog). Some chapters are told from the dog’s viewpoint, which were my favorite parts. A different type of voice than I’ve encountered in other animal-viewpoint narratives (it was quite reminiscent of Top Dog by Jerry Jay Carroll), but I liked it.

Rating: 3/5
312 pages, 2010

Vol. 3

by Konomi Wagata

Third in this cat manga series. More repetitive recaps, sigh. Nyao muses further about why he turned into a cat, and how to get back, but still makes no progress on actually doing something about it. He’s momentarily shocked when Chika wonders if he’s human in there, because some of his behavior is decidedly un-catlike. For some reason, this impels him to suddenly get into what he thinks is a bunch of feline mischief. (I don’t know why he wanted to prove to her he was a cat, but still, it was funny). He tries to get Chika to brush his teeth, but is misunderstood. He has negative interactions what that other tabby in the neighborhood (mostly through a window). He does some more sleuthing around when Chika’s out- goes to his old school dorm, to the hospital- but finds out very little. Even though in the cat body, he can still read, and is thrilled when one day Chika’s friend is visiting, and opens his favorite manga series. But of course she just gets annoyed with him pawing at the pages. He has to get his claws trimmed which is upsetting for both Nyao and Chika, so she gets him a scratching pad- and the introduction of that is, of course, amusing. More attempts at doing human things, or communicating with Chika, but he only looks cute, with intentions awkwardly misconstrued- which Chika thinks is also cute, and so life continues. More lazy days, puzzling over how to solve his problem, while slowly becoming content with things as they are- being feline and looked after is rather pleasant, after all. Will he give up his desire to return to his old self? This volume seems to be leaning that way.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
192 pages, 2016

Vol. 2

by Konomi Wagata

I wasn’t quite sure I’d continue with this series, but glad I did! It got better- might just be that I knew what to expect, but I do think the narrative ran smoother in this one. Not that there’s much plot to speak of- it’s day-to-day life of a cat (that used to be a human boy) with a little bit of his quest thrown in. Really, he seems to forget about it most of the time, and not make much progress at all when he does focus on how to get back into his human body. The re-hash of how it happened continues to show up at the front of every little chapter, which is tiresome, but it also got briefer, so I skipped over those bits.

Nyao continues to struggle adjusting to being a cat. He sometimes forgets and takes human poses, which shocks Chika, but then she just thinks he’s being cute and takes pics with her phone. He’s baffled by the behavior of some neighborhood cats he meets outside, and upset when he gets mistaken for one of them (both tabbies). He gets fleas, and has to deal with the treatment. Chika has to go away for a few days, so leaves him with a friend, who actually likes cats but creeps him out with constant, intense staring. Chika in turn cat-sits someone else’s kitten, and the little one beats up Nyao! (What’s with this?) Nyao is so relieved when the kitten goes home. Nyao misses human food, and relaxing baths- he tries to take a human-style shower as a cat, which don’t work out! He doesn’t know what to do with some cat toys, and is surprised at the trouble his tail can get into. Spends time searching for small cozy spots, high perches to observe from, and ways to help out Chika- repaying her kindness. But his efforts usually end in a mess (amusing). He sometimes attempts to communicate with Chika via gestures and things, but she just always thinks he’s being cute, which is exasperating in an endearing way. When Chika gets sick and has no medicine in the house, he makes another gallant effort to help her- this time with some results, though not the one he expected!

At the end I really though we were getting closer to finding out why Chika lives alone, as the cat wondered that himself, but then the last few pages turned out to be extra material (including drawings by younger fans of this manga, which was pretty cute). So I’ll keep reading.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 3/5
192 pages, 2016

Vol. 1

by Konomi Wagata

I found more cat manga series! Very cute and lighthearted, a breezy read in one sitting. It has exactly the same starting premise as Paul Gallico’s The Abandoned– though the rest is entirely different. High school boy gets hit by a car, wakes up in the body of a cat named Nyao. He thinks it’s a dream at first, takes joy in exploring what the cat body can do- scale trees, land on his feet, leap distances several times his own length- but then gets beat up by some local street cats when he approaches them with friendly intentions. Realizing this isn’t a dream he’ll wake up from, Nyao is at a loss what to do, but then gets taken in by a girl from his school, who keeps him as a pet. The girl Chika is awkward and clumsy, but tender-hearted and kind. (No idea why she lives by herself, but I suppose that will get revealed in future volumes).

So now Nyao has to adjust both to being in a cat body, and to living with a girl who has no compunctions about things like watching him pee in the litter box, or changing clothes in front of him (he always turns away). It’s a shock, to say the least. He wants most of all to figure out how to get back to his human self, but gets distracted by things like having his belly rubbed and taking delightful naps. Nyao doesn’t know how to groom his fur, so Chika ends up giving him a bath– very unpleasant. He feels ill and gets taken to the vet, with all the indignities that entails. He’s frustrated by inability to open doors at first, but figures out how to slide a window and starts exploring outside (when Chika is away at school or work). He finds the hospital and glimpses his human self through a window- in a coma- but can’t get into the building. At one point he’s delighted to have the opportunity to learn what secret things girls do when they hang out together- but it’s actually boring when Chika’s friend comes over (who definitely does not like cats)- they just sit around reading or talking. It was all amusing and funny, but there was something slightly off.

I couldn’t put my finger on it at first. Something not quite smooth about the writing, abrupt shifts between panels that took me off guard, or odd way things were phrased so I wouldn’t know what the characters meant. Perhaps it was the translation. The storytelling was just a bit rough. Also, the book is divided into ten chapters, and every single one had a few pages introducing what had happened at the beginning, why this boy was now a cat. That got old. It was enough to dampen my enjoyment of the book, thus the rating. But I’m moving on to the rest, see how they go.

Borrowed from the public library.

Rating: 2/5
192 pages, 2016

by Sara Gruen

Sequel to Riding Lessons. Things seem to be in a better place in this book- the main character is in a solid relationship with her boyfriend (but frustrated that it doesn’t seem to be moving towards a marriage proposal), the teenage daughter is showing a keen interest in horses that might help keep her out of trouble, the grandmother is a bit easier to get along with, having more to relate to now that her daughter’s grown and dealing with adult issues. I have to say, she still didn’t always handle them well, but didn’t strike me as quite so wrapped up in herself this time around. The horse that was center of the last book’s drama, is in the background now- he’s only in a few scenes, and then mostly standing in his stall when the woman comes to groom or speak to him for solace. There’s a tense incident near the beginning of the book, when a badly treated horse is rescued from an awful situation, but then he doesn’t feature much in the rest of the story. And another scene where protagonist has to attend a mare giving birth- on her own- and is freaked about about handling it properly- things get dicey but turn out alright. I think that was just to show her character growth, but dang it was the best scene in the book (if you like reading about animals). Teenage daughter gets accepted to a prestigious riding school, and goes off against her mother’s wishes- because she wants to compete as a jumper, and mother is terrified due to her own past accident. Most of the novel is about that- the mother struggling to overcome her fears in seeing daughter progress further in competitive riding. I have to say, I still felt her reactions to things like the rebellious teen going out with boys or getting a small tattoo a bit of overreaction, but I was full on board with how she responded to her daughter’s sometimes risky decisions with the horse.

I was hoping this book would be more about the horses, the difficulties of competition, the skills they worked on- but actually it was more about the family. Two-thirds in, there’s a sudden accident (not on a horse) that brings into sharp focus the need for family, and they drop everything to deal with that. The horses only come back into the picture near the end, and then it’s mainly figuring out: will the daughter still ride? how can she balance the rigors of training with her desire to be closer to family? will the mother finally let go of her reluctance to see her daughter participate in a dangerous sport? It ended well, I just wasn’t quite so keen on reading all the stuff about family tragedy when I thought it was going to be a book about competitive jumping. That’s okay, though. It was still a good story.

Rating: 3/5
371 pages, 2003

More opinions:
Book Addiction
anyone else?

by Sara Gruen

I don’t know why, for the longest time I’ve had this title on my TBR list thinking it was a memoir. Nope, it’s fiction. It was a good read, though. Not the best, but kept me turning all the pages to the end, to see what would happen. Some things I saw coming a mile away, and others took me by surprise. The writing was not always smooth, the main character was rather dislikable- very self centered and oblivious to what was really going on around her- and yet kind of sympathetic, too. I can imagine that many in her situation would find themselves blinded to reality, desperate to hold onto something as things familiar fall apart.

The main character has just lost her job, and her husband suddenly leaves her for a younger woman. Struggling through the divorce by mostly ignoring what’s happening, she goes home to stay on her mother’s horse farm, taking along the headstrong teenage daughter she’s having difficulties with. It’s quickly clear that she doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents, and slowly pieces are added to the story. A father who put a lot of pressure on her to succeed in the past, at one particular thing. A devastating accident where she lost her riding partner- a beloved, talented horse of strikingly unusual color. The trauma was so bad she never got on a horse again. But now, someone nearby with a horse rescue stable, brings to their corrall another horse that looks almost exactly like her lost competition mount. There’s only one explanation for how another horse of such uncommon appearance could show up again. She throws all her focus into solving that- even though she’s supposed to be managing the stable and taking care of things for her mother, while her father is dying from an incurable medical condition (another thing she’s ignoring). Things go from bad to worse on all sides- her father’s condition worsens, her daughter gets into even more objectionable activities (although I really thought the protagonist’s reactions here were exaggerated), her mother barely speaks to her, and she’s doing a terrible job at managing the riding stable- in fact, they’re imminently threatened with loosing it altogether. I’m not a business person, and even I could see that she was making one bad decision after another, there.

But she can’t deal with any of that, because she’s so focused on the rescue horse who cannot be handled, and the puzzle about his background which turns into something that threatens her with loss again. Meanwhile there’s this awkward triangle of love interests going on- a man she has history with is their on-call veterinarian, and she’s finding the French riding instructor attractive, but won’t admit it. (I didn’t care much for the romance aspect of this book, although some readers will find it more of a focus that the horse stuff). I really couldn’t see how this story would have any kind of happy ending, as this woman seemed determined to wreck everything she touched (which appallingly, she even recognized). But in the end, it does wrap things up satisfyingly- in a manner I wouldn’t have expected, and it didn’t feel too forced. I’m a tad curious to read the sequel- which I also have- but ready to drop it at any point if it’s boring me . . .

The weird thing is that, for all I disliked the main character, I could feel a smidge of sympathy towards her as well. How many of us have tried again and again, things that we fail at? And you have to keep going with something. She did go back to her family, even though she had bitter memories there. She did attempt to help her mother run the stable, although would have done far better to admit her lack of experience, and her mistakes as she made them, instead of digging herself deeper into a hole. I think that’s really what kept me reading. Because it was so darn realistic, how flawed this woman was, floundering around trying to put her life back together without really knowing how. And it was the horse that saved her, in a way. At least it got her interested in something again.

Rating: 3/5
387 pages, 2004


All books reviewed on this site are owned by me, or borrowed from the public library. Exceptions are a very occasional review copy sent to me by a publisher or author, as noted. Receiving a book does not influence my opinion or evaluation of it


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