It\’s been a while since I\’ve done this kind of post. Most people who type in keywords to google search find me via a book title or sometimes author name, but every now and then I get a really funny or odd one. Here\’s a few from the past six months.
I always get some that include \”dog\” one way or another:
syphilis in dog ear
how to steal the love of a dog
how to teach a young toddler not to hit dogs
dog ear full of pus
eating dog ears
dog carrot allergic reaction
do dog\’s ears have to be the same
ideas for potty training dogs
hawaiian juvenile book eating a dog
dog fears weeds swimming
mild mannered dogs available in south africa
what happens if you bite a dog\’s ear?
write on my favourite animal and label it a dog
Someone was apparently looking for The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, because I got these repetitive attempts:
the man who mistook his wife for a cat
the man who mistook his cat for his hat
the man who think that his dog was a hat
I\’m really curious what page these people landed on:
endless moutain labradors
civil war ear novels
redhead duck claws on feet
toilet slave directory non fiction
attitude fearless boxing how to instill fearless courage like mike tyson
And these ones just made me go what? I have no idea what these people were looking for, and I\’d sure like to know what the answer was!
what city or town? it doesnt matter how big the ear is, you never be able to pick it up
i like green lobsters. i am usually hungry. i am potty trained. i am intelligent though stubborn. what is my name?
looking for history picture of tom o\’ bedlam with a chicken in his ear
I find it hard to believe someone actually came across my blog by typing one word into a search box, but that\’s what my stat counter reports:
This last one is a nice quote. I think it\’s from a song:
when i turned the page, the corner bent into a perfect dog-ear, as if the words knew i\’d need them again