from Booking Through Thursday:
I do, in a way. My husband is not a big reader of books, but he reads a lot of other types of media. We have a lot of little conversations where I share tidbits of books I\’m reading and he shares with me things he\’s read in news media. Of course, it\’s not quite the same as discussing something we\’ve both read in depth, but that does happen from time to time. A few years ago he read some Harry Potter when I was re-reading part of the series (to prepare for a new movie release approaching) and we talked about those books in length. When we first got married we read a lot of Orwell novels together and discussed them. More recently we read through an Orson Scott Card series and had minor heated debates over issues in the books. You can tell how seldom these incidents of co-reading were, though, as I can remember them all clearly! For daily chat on books of course I love visiting all the bookish blogs, and it always thrills me to find a reader who\’s experienced a book I loved (especially the less-popular ones that no one else seems to have heard of). I ought to leave more comments, though. Things never get quite as chatty online for me as in real face-to-face discussions, seldom though I have them.
4 Responses
I discuss books with my mom and my sister, but we rarely read them at the same time.
I try to discuss books with everyone around me, much to their annoyance! I do have a real life book club and a few friends to talk books with, but that's about it. My husband is a reader, but since we read such different things, there is not always a lot to discuss. We have been doing some joint reading aloud in the past few months, so that's always a good thing, and gives us much more to talk about!
I'm always so excited when I find out that someone likes to talk about books. It's fun to argue about which canonical authors aren't worth it. :p
Bermudaonion- except from the book we read together, we rarely read the same books at all- his interests are so different from mine!Zibilee- Joint reading is fun, isn't it? I've never been part of a book club, so aside from the few conversations with my husb and all the talk online, there's no-one much to talk books for me.Jenny- Like whom…? I'm curious!