I just realized my blog turned four years old last month.
I’ve been so preoccupied with the baby and my husband’s campaign and my six-year-old’s first week of school it just slipped my mind. And I’m not quite sure what to think about it. I feel like my blogging here has really slacked off this year. I’ve been reading, and making notes of what I think, but am often too tired to write something really coherent or thoughtful. I’ve been following everyone else in google reader, but often short on time, or tied up with baby in arms, so don’t type lots of comments (which means I get fewer and fewer visitors here). So it’s just been very quiet over here, lately.
I’m hoping someone out there is still reading what I write here, so that when I get the time/energy to put more effort into this, it will reflect back again. I’m not going away, or giving up! just have my focus diverted elsewhere for a while.
I do have a sort of announcement, and this seems as good a place as any to say it. My husband pretty much volunteered me to be on the library board of our local branch. He said the board consists of lots of older folks and they’re looking for younger people to get involved. They accepted him as a member because he was there offering his services, but he said they really want me! Of course he told them all about my reading obsession, but I hope he also mentioned I have a small nursing infant who takes up a lot of my time and won’t sit quietly through long functions! I’m not much of a public person so I’m not sure what this will amount to, if I actually take the position. I like to stay in the background, and do things quietly… We’ll see what comes of it! I’d love to help the library out, just not sure what I would do.
13 Responses
Happy belated anniversary!The library board sounds interesting – how nice of your husband to volunteer you. (I'm sure you have tons of free time, what with an infant and child starting school!)I know what you mean about reading google reader but not commenting, and then not having others come back. Blogging goes in waves. Just do what you can that is fun.
Happy anniversary!
Happy blogiversary! And lol @ your husband signing you up for the library board: I hope it works out!I'm still here, and I think that lots of others are too. I've noticed the nice thing about subscriptions/feed readers is that I can disappear for ages, but when I want to get back into the swing of things my readers come back. I'm not going anywhere, and I wish I could comment more frequently (have to limit typing due to pain)!
Happy blogiversary! You will be a fabulous addition to the library board!
Congratulations on your blogiversary and on the position at the library! Exciting times 🙂
Happy blogiversary! And I think you'd be great on the library board.
Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary! And congratulations on the library board. I'm sure you'll be great!
Take your time with your baby and new position and congrats on a blogiversary! I'll still be reading when your posts pop up.
Happy blogiversary, Jeanne! Take time with your new baby, and daughter, and enjoy them. I think we all know what it's like to have a new baby at home, and how precious free time is – I hope you're getting in some reading time too! We'll be here when you come back. Hmm, I can imagine your husband thinks you can do good – make sure the library supports reading etc – it might be fun to try. But really, with a new baby, it would be hard, too.
Happy blogiversary! Having a new baby is hard work, so take your time easing back into blogging. I hope you'll have a chance to participate on the library board!
Happy belated bloggiversary! I don't know how anyone blogs with kids. Mine were older when I started (one a teen, one in college). I agree with everyone — take your time. Babies are much more important than blogging. They grow up. The internet doesn't show any signs of growing up and moving out. 😉
Happy blogiversary!You were \”volunteered\” for the library board, huh? Well, they're lucky to have you!