with Polar Animals
by Melanie Watt
We seem to have quite a few baby books in the house right now that feature arctic animals, this is one of them. My toddler always asks to see the walrus! I like this little book. It illustrates the opposite concepts very well, and introduces the child to a certain set of animals pictured in their environment as well. My favorite pages are the ones showing open/closed– a puffin with its beak in the different positions, light/heavy– a walrus sitting on one end of a tipped ice floe, with a tern on the other end up in the air, inside/outside– two owlets hatching out of eggs, one peeking through a hole in the shell, and summer/winter– showing the dark and light pelage arctic foxes take on in the alternate seasons. The illustrations are clearly depicted and cute as well.
Rating: 4/5 …….. 22 pages, 2003